Home Ohio 4 Things to Know When Taking on a Flip

4 Things to Know When Taking on a Flip


Flipping houses is a skill that takes time to master. Like any skill, the more that you practice, the better your results. If you’re interested in flipping houses but are afraid you lack the experience to start, don’t let that stand in your way. Here, we provide you with information on four things to know when taking on a flip.

1. Investors Are Your Friend

When you are first learning to flip houses, you want to sell to investors. Investors are easy to work with because they already know the criteria to pay for available homes.

You also have more opportunities to sell to the same investor and set up a private limited company because investors purchase multiple homes every month. For example, if you live in Texas, you can flip houses faster by going to local investors or hard money lenders San Antonio.

Once you’ve established a strong relationship with a seller, you can likely continue working with them on the flips, giving you ongoing income with less effort.

2. Look In Unappealing Areas

The areas where you live or desire to live will probably not have many homes available for flipping. Try to find deals in cities and states with less competitive real estate markets. For example, you might find that remodeling homes in Arkansas can produce a surprising return on investment.

You will also be able to network with investors checking out these properties as well, which may lead to a fair working arrangement between the two of you to earn money.

Research areas where home flipping is a common occurrence in the community, or, better yet, find neighborhoods with many homes available for flipping. A good rule of thumb is to look at the outskirts of popular metro areas.

If you live in Texas, you can look at areas like Waco for options. You may have heard of the hit television series Fixer Upper, which is based on the idea of flipping homes in Waco. Extend your search to wherever you are located to find options.

3. Use the Same Approach Every Time

When you are buying your first house to flip, instead of trying out different ways to make deals, get good at one method that you will use during this sale and the others after it.

The most common approach to making a profit from a flip is buying low. You want to be on the lookout for properties with values that go beyond what you will to pay. The best way to do this is to locate people who need to sell quickly.

There are many reasons why people are desperate to sell their homes quickly. From divorce to death, there are reasons their property needs to go.

To find these people, attend as many house flipping meetups as you can. You will need to take a break from social media and get comfortable socializing in person with different sellers and investors.

4. The Traditional Business Model

To truly learn about the opportunities available to you for flipping, you need to understand that making connections with people in person is a huge part of the job. Not everything will be posted online, and it is a first-come, first-served kind of business. You have to be ready to find those sellers before someone else takes them on.

The Bottom Line

To get familiar with house flipping, the most important things to remember are that investors are there to make the process easier, and the locations you rely on will make a difference. Your willingness to communicate with others during meetups will bring you more opportunities to flip. Consider the takeaways in this article as you venture into the world of house flipping.