Home Business The Most Common Employee Hiring Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

The Most Common Employee Hiring Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs


In May of 2021, companies added about 559,000 new jobs. However, many companies are struggling to find willing and well-trained workers to fill in these gaps. And the employees that they are hiring are not meeting employee satisfaction levels.

So if you’re a hiring manager and you want to hire the best employees, keep reading this article to learn more about employee hiring!

Courtesy Hiring 

Many small business owners make the mistake of hiring someone just because they know someone. For example, a current employee will recommend their grandson. Or maybe a beloved customer will recommend a family friend.

And as much as you want to say no, you feel bad. However, hiring someone based on someone else’s opinion is a huge mistake. You can certainly give them a chance by interviewing them and seeing their credentials. However, if they are not the best talent, it’s best to let them go!

Bad Pay for Too Much Work

No candidate will want to apply for your position if you are asking for more than what you are paying. And those who do apply, will not be good employers. So always pay someone for what they are worth. This will avoid hiring bad workers!

Bad Job Post

When you create a job post it should have as many details as possible. But most importantly, it should stand out. Just like you look for candidates that stand out, candidates also look for posts that stand out!

So first, know exactly what you want out of a new hire, and be sure to carefully explain it in the post. Have an outline of the desired start date along with other necessaries for the job.

Use action works and positive speech to attract candidates. Be transparent about promotions and pay if you can. Lastly, use proper grammar and leave your contact information!

Small Search for Employees

When looking for the best employees, you must look everywhere! This means you should have a diverse group of potential new hires. Do not limit yourself to one demographic.

So when looking at potential new hires, consider different age groups, backgrounds, races, and gender. Also having a diverse team of workers will only encourage others to apply to the team!

Not Asking Why They Left Their Last Job

Turnover rates usually fluctuate in most big or small businesses. However, if the turnover rate is constantly high, then this could mean there are issues with management. So before hiring anyone ask them why they left their last job.

It’s important to know if they left because their manager didn’t manage them well or if they were not manageable! Or maybe they get bored fast or they realized they were not fit for the job.

Whatever the reason may be, you don’t want it to translate over to your business ownership. So knowing why an employer left is key.

Hiring Based on First Impressions

Many hiring managers will hire based on first impressions. So if the hiring manager likes the initial visit they will hire them and vise versa. However, this creates a huge gap where credentials and strengths are not taken into account.

So don’t always assume that a “good interviewer” will be a good employee. Look only at the facts presented in front of you. Like their resume, work history, and references.

Not Looking at Their Work History

Oftentimes, a manager will look over a resume and references. However, they will most likely only focus on the skills and credentials the individual possesses.

However, it’s important to look at a person’s work history. Check to see if they have any gaps in their work history. If they do, ask them why. Do not assume that they just didn’t want to work anymore.

Many times candidates will have work gaps because they had to take care of their family, got laid off, or other enforceable events. This does not mean a person is unhirable.

It simply means you must dive a little deeper and understand why they have these gaps. But most importantly, figure out if they will come up again in future positions.

Not Specifying What the Job Entails

Oftentimes employers will be hesitant to post what the job fully entails. For example, what specific skills and traits are needed for the job. This could lead to bad hiring because the employee was not fully informed.

So before starting any hiring campaigns, write down every responsibility, talent, experience, and the daily requirement that are needed for the job. This way, any potential hire knows exactly what they must possess.

If the position does not have a specific requirement, be open with the candidates. Tell them that there is room for growth within the position. This type of role can be great for people who have great ideas on how to enhance the company!

Slow or Fast Hiring Process 

Many small business owners will hire based on their demands. So they cut the hiring process and hire too fast. During the beginning stages, this may seem beneficial because the business is moving.

However, as time goes on, said employees may not be able to keep up with the requirements of the job. In contrast, having a long-awaited hiring process may not be the best option.

Employees may not be willing to wait weeks or even months for a callback, especially if another company has already contacted them. A good way to avoid slow hiring processes is by having a clear timeline of who and when you want to hire someone.

And then having an excellent onboarding software will help negative new hire paperwork, which will expedite the new hires’ first day!

Not Listing Your Hiring Policy

Not disclosing your hiring policy can lead to legal troubles, especially if you have a contract or partial-hire worker. It may also confuse your team because they will not be aware of the rights and wrongs of the office.

So ensure your hiring policy is clearly stated in the application or that handbook is easily accessible. Your ultimate goal is to have a positive work experience and a hiring policy can help you achieve that.

Not Disclosing Office Culture and Lifestyle

Your companies style and culture are very important for new hires to know. Many times managers will forget to highlight these key points. However, knowing if an employee will be a good fit in the office, is just as important as their resume.

The office is where they will spend hours of their day. Therefore, it’s important that they can easily integrate themselves. If not, they may struggle with keeping up with tasks or even become isolated from the team.

So before hiring a new member, tell them everything about the culture in the office. We also recommend you ask them about the culture in their last job. Is it similar to what your company looks like? If not, can they integrate themselves?

Hiring a Candidate Based on Their Image

Many times newer companies will try to fill positions with people who match their image. However, a nice suit and fresh haircut do not mean that someone is the right fit for the job.

You should beyond the image and let go of any preconceived ideas of what your team should look like. Instead, open up space for a diverse team that has the skills to excel in the company.

Failing to Contact Past Employers 

The hiring process can get very hard and you may start cutting corners. However, doing so will only lead to bad hires. So ensure you do everything like contacting past employers.

This way, you will be able to verify what the candidates stated in the interview. If there are any discrepancies like why they left, then it’s best to look elsewhere.

Not Using Social Media as a Hiring Tool

Social Media platforms are not just for posting family pictures. They can excel your business in more ways than one. So ensure that your company is staying updated on platforms. Not doing so can come off as lazy and old-fashioned to potential applicants.

So let your presence be known on social media. Doing so will open up the door for many new hires.

Not Introducing Them to the Office and Team

Before or after an interview, you should give your candidate a tour of the office. It is always best for them to get a visual understanding of the culture instead of just reading about it.

By doing so, you will both get a better sense of what you are needing for the team. You could also introduce them to any potential colleges or higher-ups.

Not Implementing New Technology

This rule piggybacks off the social media topic from above. It’s also as important for your business to have updated technology services.

This means having good working computers, fast communication strategies, and open thinking. You should also be utilizing work platforms such as Zoom, Adobe, Google Connect, and more!

Overall, your candidates want to know that you are keeping up with business practices and that they will not be stuck at a dead-end job.

Not Accepting Internal Hires

Many times managers will look everywhere but within their own team. So always leave any position open to your current employees. Many of which have been waiting for a new opportunity.

Allowing growth within the company will also attract outside candidates. So don’t let internal talent go to waste.

Hiring Without Doing a Testing Period

An interview can only tell you so much about a person. So it’s always best to conduct tests on any potential new hire.

There are tests that can determine the knowledge the individual posses in regards to the position. There are also tests that can determine the individual’s attitudes and beliefs on business-related questions.

And you can even determine the likelihood of success with some tests. So before making anything official, ensure you perform at least one test.

Not Doing Background Checks 

Probably one of the most important parts of hiring someone is doing a background check. A background check will ensure that the person has no past convictions.

It’s important to know these things because it could potentially put your company at risk for theft or other crimes. So even if you are desperate for a new hire to fill in the role, do not neglect this important step!

Hiring Based on Education

Many times hiring managers will see an Ivy League school on a resume and do an immediate hire. However, education does not equate to work ethic, skills, or experience.

So never hire someone based on their education. And never turn down an applicant because they went to community college. Some of the best workers with great skills have come out of community or state schools.

Not Having a Good Hiring Size

Your interview group for a single position should be around 20 candidates. Anything over this may become too hectic, especially if you do not have a hiring team.

But anything below this number limits your chances of hiring the best employee for the job. So when opening up an application, have a limit of how many people can apply.

Not Involving Your Team in the Final Decision

Of course, you are the hiring manager. Therefore, the final decision is your responsibility. Nevertheless, seeking your team’s opinion is very important, especially if they are the ones who will be working with them.

They can also provide feedback that you would not have known on your own. Overall, getting a third-party perspective is always the best option.

Employee Hiring Made Easy

Employee hiring mistakes are common. But hopefully, after reading this article you know what to avoid! So we hope your new hires can deliver on their skills and credentials.

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