International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) International Student Advisor Abby Conder Lussier was recently recognized: Advocate of the Year It is by NAFSA, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting international education. As an International Student Advisor, Conder will work closely with students to help them navigate the visa process and provide local, statewide, and national advice on other needs and considerations affecting international students in the United States. I am trying to defend to
“I am very honored and humbled by this award,” said Conder. “It’s a little cliché, but advocacy is a marathon, not a sprint. It was special to me that everything was recognized.
ISSS Associate Director Jennifer Nisevich nominated Conder for the award and praised her for her efforts. “Advocacy is something we all recognize as important and she is one of the things to do. ,” she says Nisevich. “I am so impressed with what Abby has accomplished. I wanted others to see what I saw.”
Kondor’s work on the challenges facing international students stands shoulder-to-shoulder with prominent figures in American politics, including former US Congressman Steve Stivers, former US Senator Rob Portman, and current US Senator Sherrod Brown. connected to
These elected officials were prominent advocates of international education, writing “Dear Colleagues” letters and reading floor statements in support of international education.Conder also holds an advanced STEM degree. We spoke at length with Stivers, a representative at the time, about easing the process for acquirers to obtain U.S. permanent residency.
“It’s a slow-moving process[to work with elected officials],” Conder said. “Typically, what I do is meet with delegates each year through our Advocacy Day event and actively engage with them throughout the year. It informs and informs about the academic, cultural and economic value of international students on our campus.”
Conder’s defense extends beyond the halls of Congress. She is currently working to make the Ohio Department of Motor Vehicles more accessible to international students. Due to a mismatch between immigration rules and her BMV rules, transportation issues at the end of a student’s program can make daily life difficult after graduation. Conder has just started working to solve this problem.
By supporting the OHIO community, Conder also shares insights on how to be “interesting” (teach advocacy). “It takes passion, you need to understand that it takes time, that follow-up is important. This is not a one-off event. and you’re done, check the box.’
“Abby’s advocacy work has been beneficial to all of us at the ISSS and the campus community at large. I have always admired Abby’s support for her students and look forward to encouraging her advocacy work as she moves forward,” Nisevic said.
Shauna Torrington, an ISSS graduate assistant and advisor to Conder, hailed her as both a colleague and advisor. She said, “Abby has always taken the initiative to listen to you. She works hard to resolve your situation. I know you didn’t realize you skipped some steps.
Contact International and Scholar Services. again isss@ohio.edyou. Abby Conder Lussier Named NAFSA Advocate of the Year for Supporting International Students’ Overall OHIO Experience