Progress is currently being made on 3 major construction projects in Cleveland including a mixed-use development of a grocery market and apartment complex in the Innovation District. It is hoped that all three developments will instigate economic activity and be a positive influence on social and economic wellbeing in the surrounding areas. For this reason, the projects will benefit from property tax relief approved by the Cleveland City Council. The state of Ohio’s Transformational Mixed-Use Development Program offsets a tax credit against the construction costs of a project if it can be shown to bring prosperity to an area. In addition to promoting economically beneficial developments, other programs in the city ensure the inclusion of green spaces to further enhance the health and wellbeing of anyone who lives or works in Cleveland.
Creating and Managing Urban Green Spaces for a Healthier Environment
As well as encouraging developments that create healthier social environments for customers and residents, the city also recognizes the importance of green spaces for physical and psychological well being. Parks, gardens and other open areas can be enhanced with commercial landscape management and maintenance. As a result, these attractive green spaces can help to nourish communities in the city and its suburbs and make it a more appealing area in which to live and work. The Trust for Public Land is a national organization that seeks to ensure that communities throughout the US can enjoy the benefits of nature even in a city center. In Cleveland, the Trust has created a Parks for People program which aims to give everyone in the city greater access to more parks, trails and other green spaces. The program is currently considering a project that would create space for large civic gatherings along the side of Lake Erie in downtown Cleveland. In the meantime, it is engaged in creating trails to allow more communities to connect with the Lake at Whiskey Island.
Mixed Use Developments Generate Social and Economic Value
Research has shown that large stores can help to strengthen and connect communities not only by providing consistent access to sufficient food supplies but also by hosting activities and programs that can increase social value. Work has now started on a $52.8 million mixed use development of almost 200 apartments and a large grocery market located in the Cleveland Innovation District, which it is hoped will transform the local neighborhood through the provision of jobs. The development is located in the Cleveland Innovation District, an area centered around two universities and three hospital systems where, through increased collaboration and a range of research projects, many more jobs are being created, particularly in health and IT sectors.
New property developments including large stores and new apartment units encourage economic development and support thriving communities. At the same time, the creation and maintenance of attractive green spaces help to ensure all neighborhoods in the city are attractive and healthy places in which to live and work.