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Symptoms of COVID-19


COVID-19 symptoms can range in intensity from mild to severe and may appear 2-14 days after exposure. They may make it difficult for you to get enough rest, focus on activities and work, or provide care for a child.

People with severe illness or weakened immune systems should remain at home until they have been fever free for 24 hours without taking any fever-reducing medicines. It is important to contact your healthcare provider right away if you are experiencing symptoms. Your healthcare provider may recommend a test, such as a same day PCR test, to diagnose the virus.


Fever is one of the most prevalent symptoms of COVID-19, affecting 78 percent of infected adults. It serves as an important warning sign of infection and may help you determine when to seek medical assistance.

A fever is an elevated temperature that occurs when your body’s immune system is actively fighting an infection or virus. This is beneficial, as it helps the body fight off the illness and keep you healthy.

In some people, a fever can be indicative of more serious illness or an illness that’s difficult to recover from. This is especially true for older adults and individuals with existing medical conditions.

Some fully vaccinated individuals may experience fever as a symptom of COVID-19, though this is not often the case. If you experience any signs or symptoms related to the virus, contact your healthcare provider right away.


Coughing is a common symptom of many respiratory illnesses, such as the flu, colds and pneumonia. A COVID-19 cough may be dry or irritating, or both.

In most cases, a COVID-19 cough will clear up within one month after infection. However, for some people the cough may persist for weeks or months afterwards.

The duration of your cough is dependent upon several factors, including the severity of your COVID-19 infection and how well your immune system responds.

If your COVID-19 cough is persistent and not improving, consult with a healthcare provider. They can advise you on the most suitable treatment options for both your cough and other symptoms.

When experiencing a cough that’s accompanied by other symptoms such as loss of taste or smell, fever, chills or breathlessness, it is important to seek medical help right away. If these signs exist for you, call 911 or your nearest emergency facility for assistance. Your healthcare provider may order tests to identify what’s causing your symptoms.

Loss of Taste or Smell

Viruses that cause colds and flu can damage your nose’s smell receptor cells, leading to temporary loss of smell. However, this is usually only temporary and you’ll usually regain it once your infection has cleared up.

Your taste and smell senses are important for appreciating food and other smells. When these senses are impaired, foods may appear bland and flavorless to you.

A loss of smell may be indicative of COVID-19, though it’s not always accompanied by other symptoms. It could be a mild symptom or something more serious; therefore, testing for COVID-19 should be undertaken if you’re experiencing an unpleasant taste and smell.

Doctors use various tests to diagnose a loss of taste or smell. They may apply substances directly onto your tongue, sip various flavored liquids and smell them, or utilize a booklet containing tiny beads that produce different scents when scratched.


Vomiting is the body’s natural way of expelling stomach contents when something inhaled (food, drinks or liquids) causes irritation or makes it difficult to keep food down.

Vomiting can be a sign of something serious, too. If it is accompanied by other symptoms like fever or coughing, it’s wise to see your doctor right away.

Research on COVID-19 has revealed that 5-10% of patients experience gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms like nausea and vomiting before their respiratory (upper respiratory) symptoms appear; conversely, some develop both simultaneously.