What is a Safe Browser and Why Should You Use One?

A safe browser is a web browser known for containing additional security measures designed to prevent third-party programs from collecting your data, stealing personal information, and tracking your online activity. Safe browsers have a long accepted list of safe or authorised programs and activities and will block any not currently on that list.

Why Use a Safe Browser?

While you might think that using other security tools such as antivirus is enough to keep you safe, these tools usually react after a threat has occurred. They are still very important and you should always have them installed, but a safe browser has features that prevent the threat from occurring in the first place. Think of a safe browser as vitamins while your antivirus is your medicine.

Safe browsers stop third-party applications, programs, and cookies from collecting your online activity, any passwords you might use, and your personal information. Another great thing about safe browsers is that you can add extensions that add an extra layer of security. This could be an extension that provides free anti-malware protection on Chrome or you could add a browser protection tool.

What Browsers are Safe?

There is a variety of safe browsers that you can use, but it is the more common names that will keep you the safest.

Another option is Microsoft Edge, but it’s probably best to move away from Microsoft’s longest-running browser Internet Explorer. The firm will cease supporting that browser in 2022.

Will a Secure Browser Always Keep Me Safe?

They will definitely help, but even safe browsers cannot guarantee your safety when going online. You should back up a safe web browser with other security software, such as antivirus, a firewall, and browser protection tools. Alone, they will do a job as long as you are diligent when online. However, additional security tools and software can add further layers of security that should ensure you never have to worry about malware infections, identity theft, spyware, adware, or browser hijackers.

We face so many threats whenever we go online, whether it’s viruses, trojans, phishing scams, ransomware, or anything else. They prey on the unprotected or those that act recklessly when connecting to the internet. To combat those threats, use a combination of the best security tools and that includes the safe web browsers we mentioned above.

Tips on Staying Safe Online

To stay safe, you mostly just need to stay vigilant and use the tools available to you. However, by doing the following, you give yourself an even better chance of staying safe when online.

If you stick to the advice given, download a safe browser and other security software, you’re halfway there to a safe online browsing experience. However, the other half is down to you to act smartly and diligently.


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