Home Business Why are More and More Students Using Essay Writing Services?

Why are More and More Students Using Essay Writing Services?


Decades ago, students could rely only on themselves when dealing with assignments overload or challenging courses. No essay writing services were available, but a friendly peer could have helped from their good will or for modest reward. Today such helpful assistance is much better established, and students can apply to ‘peers’ from all over the world. This became possible with exponential growth of various essay writing agencies operating online.

This kind of services may be like a fairy godmother for struggling students, but educators are not that happy. Obviously, both sides have their own valid reasons to love and hate this business. We won’t side with neither of the parties but would rather explore what pushes students to use essay writing services in the first place. Understanding is always a starting point for civilized dialogue.

So, why are more and more students using the essay writing services?

  1. Catastrophic Lack of Time

 Student’s life is busy and challenging at times. Modern education requirements are tough and demanding with numerous assignments with urgent deadlines. It may be especially demanding for those from underprivileged backgrounds or having other competing obligations – part time work, or family to care and provide for. We’ve already written an article with ideas aimed specifically at college students with families, check it here.

Add here stress and anxiety from pandemic restrictions and all the political calamities of the last years. It’s an important factor to consider as prolonged exposure to stress inhibits cognitive abilities, therefore, slowing the work pace.

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Even with some professors cutting slack due to above-mentioned disturbances, nobody cancels the exams and midterm assignments. So, no wonder that students look for outside help to keep up with all the work to do. Key advantage of the most assignment writing services is the benefit of timesaving. A student can place an order explaining the essay format, requirements and even the gist of their own ideas for content and can move on to another assignment.

Such efficiency of course strongly relies on perfect customer service of the essay writing service. For example, Brillassignment.co.uk, company with great quality reviews, offers 24/7 care center that would urgently react to client’s requests or any troubles. Students feel safe and reassured that their orders would be completed in line with the requirements and without unwanted hassle of checking in with the writer or reminding about deadlines.

  1. No motivation based on their chosen career path

Essay is a golden standard of academic writing for most colleges and universities. No matter the specialization and degree pursued, students must write essays at least for some of the courses. This requirement is understandable, but so is the aversion of some students as regards this type of assignments.

Indeed, students that have already decided on their chosen career path, especially those in tech degrees, may find academic writing assignments pointless. It may not be the wisest approach for their general skills development, but well understandable considering how tough the tech curricula are. With fierce competition in IT and engineering industries students try their best to excel in their key interest subjects, pushing not so important to the sides.

It is crucial though to not let those “less important” assignments influence overall academic performance. And essay writing services can be very helpful here. Most agencies advertise diversity among qualifications of their writers. When choosing a service for ordering an essay it is better to confirm that a provider really has educated writers for a specific subject you need. Essaygeeks.co.uk, for instance, guarantees comprehensive research and careful data analysis for any subject matter you bring to them.

  1. Students don’t have sufficient knowledge or skills

Let’s be honest. Not every educational facility is great, as well as not every person in a teaching position has a talent for it. Sometimes students just don’t receive the necessary basics on a given subject. In other cases, theoretical material is well-delivered but no formal training in academic writing had ever been provided.

Another matter is when lack of knowledge sufficient for decent completion of an assignment is at student’s fault. Absence for health or family reasons, or without any serious cause may lead to missing some fundamental aspects. And this lacune could seriously deteriorate chances for drafting adequate essays and other assignments.

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In such cases it’s smart to make use of teacher’s hours or ask peers for advice. But in the meantime, academic writing services could help with part of the workload to catch up faster. And it really doesn’t matter much whether you need an essay or part of a dissertation. Such agencies as Bestdissertation.com work with highly educated writers, including Ph.D. specialists.

  1. Prioritizing grades over learning process

Modern reality sometimes pushes young people to get higher education only to receive access for more employment opportunities. Though not due to more comprehensive expertise received, but just due to a fact of having a formal degree. It is a sad situation, but important enough to have governments concern about it.

Students may have various motivations for willing to surf through the degree program with no interest in content. From current employment market formalism to attempts to get parental approval. The reasons may sound superficial but are very real and valid for such students. Therefore, they apply for assignments writing services to avoid extra work.

In such cases decent academic performance may be very expensive with numerous assignments accumulated.  But good quality of essay writing services doesn’t obligatory mean expensive. You can find agencies offering good value for money balance, such as Essayontime.com. They have a very easy calculator for writing costs right on their home page. And their membership program provides very nice discounts with more orders placed.

As we see, most of the reasons for students to use essay writing services are not malicious, rather real-life ones and mostly understandable. Another positive aspect is that students decide to cope with the difficulties or challenges and choose to ask for help instead of dropping out and forgetting about the higher education. We can see this approach as not ideal but better than giving up totally.

Author’s Bio:

Sherri Carrier is a professional writer and a member of several writing clubs in New York. She has been writing her own poems since she was a child. The young author gets inspiration from her favorite writers and people whom she loves.