Home Business Why Flutter Is A Perfect Fit For Your App Development Project?

Why Flutter Is A Perfect Fit For Your App Development Project?


The Flutter framework is among the most powerful tools for building cross-platform mobile apps. Such a popularity can be explained by numerous reasons although let’s go back to basics first.

What does Flutter mean?

   Flutter is an open-source tool for building multi-platform applications. This software is entirely beneficial, because earlier people had no choice but to build two different products: one for Android and the other one for iOS. To create two highly efficient codes with the help of Java, Python, or C++ languages will cost a person a great deal of money. What’s more, you will be required to ask code writers to do the same task twice, which is time-consuming. In such a way, flutter app development helps people save time and money by providing alternatives for developing hybrid apps.

In fact, there are numerous tools for cross-platform development such as React Native, Phonegap, and many others. However, Flutter is highly appreciated by many developers, users, and entrepreneurs. Unlike other frameworks, Flutter provides a mobile SDK offering an appealing style without applying to a Javascript bridge. Among other advantages this software can boast of competitive performance and uncomplicated integration with a variety of platforms including not only iOS and Android, but also Windows, MAC, Linux, etc. What’s more, even web products for the Fuchsia platform, which is a new Google app, are also built using Flutter.

The framework runs on the Dart programming language that was created by Google. This language is relatively easy to learn, which makes it even more appealing to the developers. Moreover, it also represents Cupertino and Design widgets. Thanks to Flutter, developers are capable of building a sophisticated native-like UI. Using the same code, it shows high performance and efficiency on any platform. So, if you want to develop a native-like application for Android and iOS relatively easy, the Flutter framework will be the best choice. According to the latest investigations this software is currently used by nearly 2,5 million professionals although it was released just 4 years ago. Experts believe that the number of the Flutter admirers will continue to increase.

The scope of usage

Flutter is entirely beneficial for time-saving cross-platform mobile application development. In such a way a developer has to create only one code suitable for a number of platforms. Smartphone adaptations of Flutter based apps don’t even need a browser. All in all, this framework was used for the development of such e-commerce giants as Alibaba Group, Groupon, etc.

Why should a person choose Flutter?

 Well, there are many other tools for building hybrid mobile apps, so why should a person opt for the Flutter programming framework? Are there any other pros apart from time and cost efficiency? Yes! There is a number of appealing and distinctive advantages Flutter can boast of. Thanks to the following information you will get an insight into the most crucial ones from them.

  1. Hot-reload feature

Among the most pleasant things for all code writers is to see how the alterations in codelines immediately influence the appearance and functional characteristics of applications they are currently building. Such feasibility is called a hot-reload function which is considered to be one of the greatest Flutter advantages. Thanks to it, debugging becomes much easier. When a developer fixes bugs or adds new app features all the changes reflect automatically.

For those who know literally nothing about the hot-reload feature, we will explain how it works. The crucial principle of this function is that the host machine analyzes the changed code since last corrections and recompiles some libraries. Among them are the ones with altered code, the main app library, and those that lead from the main library to affected ones. It happens everytime the hot-reload is invoked. All code changes are transmitted to a Dart Virtual Machine that updates the libraries, reflecting all alterations. Flutter enables repainting and rebuilding of widgets, providing developers with the ability to view the effects of the changes. It is essential to emphasize that to see all the changes a developer has to update the Dart code again.

Hot-reload feature is entirely beneficial, since it speeds up and improves the app development process. It also makes the work of developers more interesting and engaging by providing a field for creativity and experiments.

  1. One code for two major platforms

   The main benefit of Flutter lies in the fact that it offers developers with the ability to create one code which can run on several platforms. Instead of building one code for Android and the other for iOS, you satisfy the requirements of all users with the help of a universal codebase. However, if you want to make products for different platforms slightly different, you can easily do it. The value of cross-platform development can’t be overestimated because it is entirely beneficial in terms of cost and time efficiency.

  1. Minimum viable product building

  Flutter is considered to be the best means for developing a minimum viable product. MVP is the basic version of the application or website a company is going to launch. MVP represents a set of the most crucial functions that can satisfy some of the clients’ requirements. Thanks to such a prototype experts can analyze the future success of the final product, detect its vulnerabilities and get rid of them.

It is entirely beneficial in terms of marketing purposes, since it helps to determine the targeted audience and ask for their feedback. Due to the customers’ notices, experts can decide on the following strategy for creating a high-quality web product and engaging more clients. As a rule, the final app or website is released only after the MVP analysis and corrections. So, if you need to work out a prototype of your future masterpiece to show it to the public or investors, the Flutter framework will be a perfect tool for it.

  1. Widgets

  It is a widget that enables cross-platform development with the help of the Flutter framework. Widget itself is a code element that offers the representation of enormous data flows and its placement at specific block references in your store.

The vast majority of them provide dynamic and real time information for improving the communication between the customers. As a rule a widget includes a range of interactive elements such as text and images. Widgets are frequently used for the creation of landing pages and making a product more entertaining and engaging. With the help of the Flutter framework a developer can build his own widget or make use of existing ones. There is a vast catalog available.

  1. Sophisticated libraries

Flutter has an open-source graphics library called Skia Graphics Library. The loading time of it is extremely short, so all the processes run quickly and smoothly.

Final thoughts

As you can see, the Flutter framework is an effective tool for developing top-quality applications for a range of platforms using the same code. It makes it entirely beneficial in terms of time and cost, since the developer isn’t required to work on the same project twice. Thanks to a hot-reload function and a variety of sophisticated widgets, the time needed for testing and debugging also decreases.