Home Entertainment 6 Mind-Blowing Facts about Marvel movies you must know

6 Mind-Blowing Facts about Marvel movies you must know


Marvel is one of the best superhero franchises and top entertainers in the world today. If you are a fan of their releases, you have probably watched most of the movies they have produced and got entertained enough to follow up on other sequels or movies they made.

While watching marvel movies in order of release, you may spot amusing Easter eggs in one movie that reminds you of another movie scene you watched before. They complement one another and have been realised to let out hints of plots for the next film in a previous one. This might be done intentionally by the story writers or, one story catalyzes the storyline of another.

In our list, six of the most mind-blowing facts about marvel movies have been revealed. They may be pretty surprising and will leave you asking how you did not connect the two events. However, they will also show the great work the production company goes through to keep viewers entertained. The six mind-blowing facts are:

It took three to five hours for David Bautista to get into make-up while filming Guardians of the Galaxy

David Bautista’s role in Guardians of the galaxy involved a peculiar outfit for a suit compared to other heroes. The set of tattoos, some of which he does not have in real life, were a real work of art. His skin tone there was even more incredible, leaving us wondering what make-up artist was behind his look.

Surprisingly, David Bautista’s make-up took over three hours every day before he could start filming. A whole three hours for a day’s make-up. This must have been some tiresome work. But its result was good as he had a unique appearance that was between human and alien.

Iron Man Never had a full script in his Movies

Most actors have to cram long scripts before they go to film sets, and this has been the norm through the years. Directors get scriptwriters to create scripts from a story by a different writer, and then the actors have what to say for the plot. This, however, was not the case with Robert Downey Jr.

The scriptwriters only had outlines of the storyline when filming began, and Robert ended up improvising. This is surprising considering he had to do the most significant part being the main actor in the movies.

 Baby Groot’s Dancing scene on Guardians of the galaxy took almost two years to make

Guardians of the Galaxy makes it to the list once again, this time concerning a different character. The movie Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 starts with a scene of Baby Groot dancing. This scene was among the most challenging to create, although one might give it little credit. The scene, which is around two minutes, took almost two years to develop.

This shows how much work it takes to produce a single movie. Marvel takes time to deliver quality. This also means preparing for the movie took a long time and deserves credit for its outstanding outcome.

The cast did not know the characters on set with them in Infinity War

Infinity war had the most significant number of actors in a Marvel movie. Heroes from all their collections were to appear in the different scenes of the movie. Large armies were also involved, and many actors had to get filmed to get the simulation needed. Main actors who cannot get simulated also had to appear in the movie.

Marvel producers had to call the actors in groups for the filming. As a result, some only found out about each other after they ran into each other. This was despite knowing each other from before. For instance, Anthony Mackie said in an interview that he found out his friend Winston Duke was in the film after they ran into each other.

Wakanda got spotted on Nick Fury’s map as a hotspot in Iron Man 2

Eight years before the Black Panther movie’s release, whose storyline was based in Wakanda, a location almost in Central Africa, Nick Fury’s map had a marked hotspot area that adds to the site.

Was this a hint that they would have a movie based in the area? This was also the case with Atlantis, where Captain America had a part of its storyline. Either this was intentional or coincidental, it shows how marvel movies have a homogenous approach in production and stories.

The war Rhinos in Black panther were big horses

The battle scene at the high point of the movie Black Panther was one of the best scenes in the film. Among the significant aspects of the movie, the rhinos must have caught your attention, wondering what work got done to get the rhinos to act or make rhino-like figures in the film.

The visual effect supervisor commented that the war rhinos were played by Clydesdale Horses but not on all of the rhinos in the scene. The scene was, therefore, not entirely Computer-generated imagery.


Marvel ups its game in production with every movie. They are strict with the theme and do not disappoint. They seek to be unique and thus go to extremes to make it look better than the idea. Most scenes featured here are among the best in the movies, showing how marvel goes into detail to make the movies look as authentic as possible.