Home Education 9 Easy Activities to Help Improve Your Brain’s Memory

9 Easy Activities to Help Improve Your Brain’s Memory


9 Easy Activities to Help Improve Your Brain’s Memory

Just as the day ends, we tend to look back on all the activities we’ve carried out. However, we can’t seem to grasp detail by detail that had happened even if we only accomplished it hours ago. We might be able to recall every major thing that we did or happened, but not the small, minor details. Sometimes, we can’t remember everything at all and just look forward to the next day.

We’ve learned in our science classes when we were young and even in the books or articles we read that the brain is one powerful organ. Aside from being responsible for the management of our organs and their systems, they are also in charge of storing and interpreting all information we receive from our day-to-day activities. These memories will then be translated into various outputs such as knowledge or skills which can be useful in accomplishing our daily tasks. There’s just so much to our brain’s capacity that we can’t even easily comprehend all the things it needs to do to just keep us functioning.

Of course, just like all the other organs in your body, the brain needs care in order to carry out its operations. Below are some of the important things to do in order to maintain your brain in good condition.

Regular exercise

Doing regular exercise has endlessly proven the positive impacts it can bring to both the brain and the body. Since it helps improve the blood circulation in the body, the flow of oxygen within your bodily systems is regulated. It is highly recommended to at least practice doing cardiovascular exercise every week to keep your health stable.

 Conducting yoga sessions or meditation practices

Your body needs some quiet time for itself to ensure relaxation and peace of mind. Early traditions have shown the positive effects calming exercises can produce into your body, especially in your brain activity. To enable mental stability, train your mind to clear out negative thoughts and focus on your breathing and senses. There are also guided meditation materials available online to teach you how to use meditation to improve your mental activity.

 Engaging yourself in newfound hobbies

Discovering a hobby you’ve never tried and you’re genuinely interested in is a great way to detach yourself from stressful environments and clear negative thoughts. It helps your mind to develop newer talents and enhance critical as well as analytical skills. With one area to concentrate on, you will be used to not getting distracted from small obstructions.

 Playing mind-boggling recreational activities or games

Playing games such as chess, checkers, puzzles, deck of cards and other activities that deal heavily with mental strategies is a great way to discipline your mind in developing analytical tricks or tactics to win. What better way to enjoy this than playing with your family or friends? These activities are a great way to bond together.

 Improving your daily routine

Sometimes, we need to admit to ourselves that we’ve succumbed to unhealthy habits that harm our health. Sleeping less than 8 hours, eating junk foods, vices and high carbon footprints are just some of the things we need to change in our routines. It may be hard to refrain from these things but change will surely take time until you outgrow them.

 Sleeping for eight or more hours at night

Do you sometimes wonder why it’s so difficult to bring yourself to sleep even if you’ve had a long and stressful day? It’s because your brain has undergone a long period of activity and forcing it to rest all at once is not helpful. To condition your brain that it is time for resting, do some calming exercises before bedtime such as meditation, reading, or listening to music. This will help you to sleep easily and soundly afterward.

 Adopting music therapy

Have you noticed how listening to music can help you build your thoughts and reminisce some memories? We tend to form song playlists to match a certain mood we associate them with. Music is helpful especially at times when you need comfort and calmness or motivation to do things or when you have to release some creative juices to make something. Anything could be done with the help of music and studies have proven the wonders it has done to the brain.

Reading books and journaling

These activities are therapeutic when you cannot express your thoughts verbally. Reading books with genres or themes that interest you is another great way to relax and at the same time work with ideas that you’ve just discovered. On the other hand, writing down your thoughts on a piece of paper is another way to express them freely when you like to track your emotions and responses to the things around you.

 Allotting time for self-care

Stress has been part of our lifestyles and it has both its good and bad effects. But we’re in a fast-paced environment that deals heavily with endless mountains of workload to the point we have the closest tendencies to neglect ourselves. We simply do not give time to pause and destress. The need for relaxation and setting aside things that stress us can properly condition our minds and bodies to handle the amount of workload given to us to the optimal level.


 Finally, another important matter to consider is practicing a healthy diet consisting of meals that provide the necessary amount of proteins, vitamins, and minerals to our body as well as drinking plenty of water daily. To better improve your memory, look for vitamin supplements that are enriched with memory-boosting vitamins. Remember that our brain is the control house of every organ in your body, including your memories. So, let’s exert our own efforts to discipline ourselves.