Home Health Acne: How to Achieve Healthy and Beautiful Skin

Acne: How to Achieve Healthy and Beautiful Skin


Acne is not a skin condition that only affects teenagers. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), it’s a common condition that 50 million people suffer with. It could be minor or pervasive across your entire body.

Fortunately, it isn’t incurable. There are ways to minimize and even eliminate it. Here’s some information on what acne is and how to achieve healthy and beautiful skin.

What Is Acne?

Acne occurs when hair follicles and pores on your body become clogged. Normally, this is a combination of both naturally created oils and dead skin cells.

How Does It Appear

While acne normally emerges on someone’s face and forehead, it can also appear on the chest, shoulders, and upper back. Generally, it takes several forms.

  • Whiteheads: A mild form of the condition caused by closed and plugged pores.
  • Blackheads: Small bumps that are a result of plugged pores that remain open. They are distinguished by a dark or black surface.
  • Papules: These are small bumps that are red and tender.
  • Pustules: Also known as pimples, these are papules with infected pus on their tips.
  • Nodules: Large and solid lumps under the skin that are painful.
  • Cystic Lesions: These are nodules filled with pus.

In many cases, someone afflicted with acne could have a variety of these conditions. In addition to pain, acne also causes scarring. Mentally, these nodules and papules could reduce the self-esteem of the individual.

Ways To Improve The General Health Of Your Skin

There are several ways to improve the general health of your skin to reduce the severity and creation of acne.


A poor diet heavy in greasy foods doesn’t mean you’ll get acne. However, certain items raise your blood sugar to advance the risk of papule development. Products like milk chocolate, pasta, rice, and anything else that breaks down into simple sugars increase insulin levels. In turn, your oil glands produce more to clog your pores.

If you start to see signs of acne, then you should consider adopting more low-glycemic (low-sugar) foods. These include whole grains, legumes like lentils or beans, and unprocessed produce.

Furthermore, subtract items like red meat and sugary soft drinks. These increase skin inflammation. If you do eat these on occasion, then supplement them with non-inflammatory foods like leafy vegetables, brown rice, and blueberries.


There are regular habits that increase the risk of acne. For instance, washing your face too often. This only has to be done once or twice a day to keep your pores open. Conversely, you want to wash it after a sweaty workout. Letting it dry clogs the pores.

Not shampooing allows oils in your hair to drift toward your skin. This combines with other natural elements to create acne. Most important, don’t pop your pimples. It releases pus that goes deeper into your skin and may cause scarring.

Hormone therapy

Human growth hormone (HGH) is normally created by the pituitary gland. It allows for cell growth and reproduction to maintain healthy skin and slow the aging process. In some scenarios, such as with elevated insulin levels, not enough HGH is produced.

Skin therapies are now available to restore HGH levels. These injections tighten sagging skin, reduce wrinkles, and improve your overall complexion. Check it on patients’ HGH before and after pictures and reviews. It also increases bone density and improves your capacity to exercise. Both help decrease the risk of acne.


Smoking and drinking aren’t related to the direct development of acne. Yet, these bad habits establish circumstances that could increase the risk. Both of these actions cause your skin to age more rapidly than normal. Furthermore, it reduces blood flow, so it takes longer for pimples and other papules to heal.

Rules For Acne-Prone Skin Protection

If you do have acne-prone skin, then consider these rules for upgraded protection.


There are a few considerations when it comes to exercises. First, choose something that you have fun doing. Second, make sure it increases your blood circulation and generates sweat. The former opens up your capillaries to freshen your skin while the latter cleans the pores so they remain open.

Don’t wear makeup while exercising as it tends to clog pores. Also, make sure you take a shower to remove the sweat. Though it works well while exercising letting it dry on your skin can result in closures.

Water intake

Replace your soft drinks with water and you’ll see amazing results. When you have bacterial acne, water helps remove toxins on the skin, therefore reducing the potential for redevelopment of the condition. On top of this, proper water intake keeps it moisturized for healthy cell and collagen production.

Sun restrictions

Yes, the sun’s UV rays can temporarily zap your pimples and make your skin look healthier. However, too much direct sunlight is harmful. Always wear sunscreen if you’re going to spend long periods outside. Then, make sure to wash your face when you’re done.

Also, consider wearing a wide-brimmed hat and light-colored clothing. Both block the sun’s direct rays. Plus, as they keep you cooler, these items help reduce the creation of excess sweat.

Shower restrictions

Infrequent showers cause an imbalance of good and bad bacteria on your skin. Too much of the latter increases your chances of acne. So, consider showering at least once a day, particularly after you’ve exercised.

Overall, acne isn’t something you must live with forever. Follow the above recommendations and you’ll see a change in your skin’s health.