Columbus man convicted in shootout, fellow prisoner dies

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) — A Columbus man pleaded guilty to manslaughter in two separate cases on Thursday.

Varmuniya Dunor, 23, was sentenced to 15 to 20 1/2 years of life imprisonment following a joint recommendation by the prosecutor and Denor’s legal team.

Mr. Dunor acknowledged his role at the death of a fellow prisoner Dustin Ray at the Franklin County Correctional Center on Nov. 28, 2021.

At 11:21 a.m. on November 28, the lieutenant and a nurse received a call that Ray appeared to be unconscious in his bunk. According to a separate complaint filed March 31 against Mosley and Dunor, medics took Ray to Grant Medical Center, where he was found to have a head injury. It says.

According to both complaints, the inmates said Ray was assaulted by Mosley and Denor, and that Ray lost consciousness and never returned. According to the documents, Ray died on December 2, 2021 from injuries sustained in the assault.

Mr. Dunor also acknowledged his role 1 killed, 1 seriously injured in shootout April 17, 2020.

According to the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office, 28-year-old Jarrin Hickman was shot multiple times in the parking lot of the Dollar General on Chatterton Road.

The sheriff’s office said Hickman opened fire before attempting to buy marijuana, and Dunol chased Hickman in a parking lot, shot him dead, and fled the scene. Columbus man convicted in shootout, fellow prisoner dies

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