Communities in Eastern Palestine, Ohio come together to help those in need
EAST PALESTINE, Ohio (WKBN) — Eight days after a train derailed in East Palestine, residents are slowly returning to their homes, hoping to regain a sense of normalcy.
First News was there early today and learned that a little kindness can go a long way in trying times.
“Our community has always been united. No matter what happens, we have always been united. It’s like a small town and everyone wants to help someone,” said East Palestine. said Sandy Wales, a resident of
The East Palestinian Way Station is also playing a role. Buckets, cleaning supplies, water and pet food were all distributed free of charge to residents affected by the evacuation.
“A lot of people are missing now and have returned home, but a lot of the electricity had been turned off so they had to throw a lot of food away,” Welsh said. “Everything needs to be cleaned up.”
Community bins are located at Way Stations for those who need to throw things away.
Aaron Nahar of Bulldog Junk Removal said:
A mobile food truck at the East Palestine Fire Station handed out free tacos to all residents.
“It will help get the community back together,” said Keith Dravik, Fire Chief of East Palestine. “It gives us some sense that normalcy is back. It’s important to share with the community that we want to take the next step.”
“East Palestine Strong” is a phrase commonly used to describe the resilience of our communities.
“Thanks to all the support we’ve received so far, including financial donations, food donations, and people stopping by to say thank you,” Dravik said. We are here in the United States and our number one priority is their safety.”
Residents of Eastern Palestine will have access to food, water and clothing at Columbiana County Way Stations for the next few weeks. Communities in Eastern Palestine, Ohio come together to help those in need