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Community Leaders Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

Columbus, Ohio (WCMH) — From September 15th to October 15th, the country celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month. Here in Columbus, the first Latin Parade will be held in his honor.

Columbus City Councilman Lourdes Barroso de Padilla said:

To mark the event, council member Padilla said her office worked with about 30 other community groups to plan Columbus’ first-ever Latin parade.

“The idea is that we are really coming together to celebrate us, and to celebrate the richness of our culture, our cultural diversity, and the many contributions that the Latin people have. We are asking people to join us, Padilla said.

The parade will travel about 800 meters (0.5 miles), hold a community gathering at Columbus City Hall, and even change street signs in honor of the event. The parade will be the first experience for many in Columbus of celebrating Latin culture in the city.

Diana Miguel, a Columbus City Council intern, said, “We usually meet actors, actresses and singers, but seeing young professionals like me working, celebrating and taking time out. can’t wait

Miguel said he works with the Padilla Alderman’s Office and is honored to be a part of such a historic event.

“Having a Heritage Month is so important because it gives us time and moments to take a break from our daily lives, our daily jobs, our daily struggles,” said Miguel.

But this parade is more than just a celebration, it’s also about raising awareness of Latino representation in Columbus.

Samuel Camacho, public health adviser for Columbus Public Health, said, “It’s important that we are heard and seen in order to be part of the conversation and make these things better.

Samuel Camacho is a Public Health Advisor for Columbus Public Health and is in tomorrow’s parade. He would like to see more events like this in his city.

“Look at our beautiful costumes, enjoy our beautiful food and great music. It’s also a way to teach new generations what Latino is all about,” Camacho said.

The parade begins Saturday at 11am on Rich Street and Civic Center Drive. At noon, Columbus City Hall hosts music, food, and other events.

https://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/columbus/community-leaders-celebrate-hispanic-heritage-month/ Community Leaders Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

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