Home Business Cross Browser Testing: On-site Vs Cloud

Cross Browser Testing: On-site Vs Cloud


Cross Browser Testing is one of the best methods to identify the problems in your site. It is also an important part of web development. Cross-browser testing ensures that your website works flawlessly on all devices, platforms, and browsers. This type of testing includes even mobile devices, different resolutions, and different browsers. It is important to test the site on each of the browsers because different browsers interpret languages and codes differently. Cross-browser testing will help you to find bugs that exist in your website. It is an important test to ensure that your site works the same on all the browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.

Cloud testing allows you to easily manage all your testing over a cloud without any requirement for local hardware. By design, a cloud-based test tool must be highly scalable and must have the necessary performance guarantees to provide a great user experience. Avoiding IT bottlenecks saves time and money as you can immediately identify issues as they arise. Modern web applications are built to support multiple browsers–and that’s just for starters. You need to make sure your site or app can be accessed by all the devices people use–from old-timey desktop PCs to sleek touch-screen phones.

On-site Testing

On-site testing or local testing is the ability to run tests on your local machine. It may be obvious that you need to test your application in a variety of browsers. However, if you have not planned your development process well, it may not be clear how to set up a testing environment for this purpose.

Testing applications in multiple browsers can be tricky and time-consuming. If you are using virtual machines to test your application. You will have to configure each browser individually on each machine and then manually switch between the different machines during the development process. This can end up being quite a frustrating and time-consuming task.

Local testing enables you to run tests on your local machine eliminating the need for virtualization software like VirtualBox or VMWare. Local testing is also useful if you want to test your website with multiple versions of different browsers. Testing with different browser versions can sometimes cause conflicts especially if the browser versions are too different from each other. Local cross-browser testing lets you eliminate such problems by testing with multiple browser versions on the same machine without encountering any conflicts.

Tests in Selenium Grid leverage the use of cloud computing by distributing test load across multiple computers. This allows for parallel execution of tests without any loss in performance and also allows for a larger number of tests to be executed simultaneously than would be

Cross-browser Testing on Cloud: Advantage over on-site testing

  • You can’t predict what your application is going to experience in the real world, so you have to test out the application before it goes public. One way to do this is by testing from the cloud. Testing from the cloud means getting closer to what your user can expect. With real-time load generation, you can test your application in any condition imaginable. You can see how it behaves under load, how your cache propagates with your content delivery networks. Running tests in the cloud is the best way to see how your application behaves under different conditions. You can generate load from different locations around the world at once, allowing you to see how your app handles cache propagation or other issues.
  • The worry of overloading productivity is less of a concern when testing internally. If your test machines use the same network as other production applications, the risk is higher for serious performance problems. For instance, if test machines are virtualized on the same physical hosts as other servers, there is a risk of an overload on the network and any resource that the machine could use.
  • One of the best things about cloud testing is that you can generate much more load than you can internally. You don’t need to buy or maintain expensive machines, which means less time spent on setup and more flexibility for your team. When testing internally, there is a high risk that the testing infrastructure will slow down or negatively affect other production applications.

This is a particular risk if you are close to the servers, for instance, if your test machines are virtualized on the same physical hosts. The worry of overloading productivity is less of a concern when testing internally. If your test machines use the same network as other production applications, the risk is higher for serious performance problems. If test machines are virtualized on the same physical hosts as other servers, there is always a probability of an overload on the network and any resource that the machine could use.

  • If you’re just about to upgrade your cross-browser testing architecture, don’t do it alone. Cross-browser testing as cloud-based software is always up to date and the process is pain-free. With a cloud-based tool, there’s no need to worry about making a mistake during the upgrade process, and the maintenance period is minimal. Not only that, but you’ll always have access to the newest features as soon as they’re released.

You might be persuaded to stay put with your on-site testing architecture on-premise, but what if it’s time to upgrade? When you do the upgrade yourself, you have the burden of making sure everything goes smoothly. And if anything goes wrong, it could impact you in more ways than one. A cloud solution is always kept up, so there are no worries about regular maintenance.

  • Most on-premise cross-browser testing software requires a perpetual license upfront. This is usually quite expensive, which means you’ll need to negotiate long and hard. A SaaS option offers more flexibility by working on a subscription of tests.
  • Cross-browser testing is undoubtedly difficult. Multiple combinations of browsers, platforms, and operating systems make the task tedious and time-consuming. The worst part? When there’s a new change that needs to be tested, the team must re-run all their tests on all these different combinations. When thousands of devices are involved in cross-browser testing, it can be an extremely slow process. When this task is moved to the cloud, these thousands of devices are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With automation applied to the test execution, the system can execute the test in parallel. This way, cross-browser testing can be completed in less time than before.
  • Through Parallel testing on the cloud, companies can avoid any lag in the execution of their product. In a 24*7 world, a smooth and stable environment is a must to ensure no wasted time on infrastructure. This way, brands can test more device combinations in a shorter span of time, ensuring a high-quality product is delivered and on-time completion.
  • On-premise testing is great, but it can be time-consuming and may lack quality. Luckily, cloud-based testing can do it better. Testing on the cloud ensures quick and quality results. It also provides better coverage, parallel testing (with automation), 24-hour testing, and infrastructure that is set up and ready to go anytime.

LambaTest Cross Browser Testing on the cloud

LambdaTest is a cloud-based cross-browser testing platform that allows you to perform cross-browser testing for web applications across more than 3000 browsers, operating systems, and devices. It is a cross-browser testing solution that executes cross-browser testing through a simple user interface. In addition, it is a cloud-based, automated cross-browser testing platform and is available online across multiple devices and browsers. LambdaTest is designed to execute buggy functional and regression test cases at the browser level by end-users, testers, or developers.

LambdaTest comes with a secure, reliable and scalble Selenium Grid which allows testers to run simultaneous tests on different browsers and allows users to add or remove unique machines from the grid. LambdaTest users can also use Selenium IDE, record test scenarios, and then execute test cases on the cloud grid. Cross-browser testing on the cloud can be a time-consuming and expensive process.

LambdaTest is the most powerful web application designed to make your cross-browser testing much smarter, quicker, better, and easier. LambdaTest has created a fast, easy and affordable solution with their SaaS platform. This will allow you to improve the quality of your software products by testing them across thousands of browsers, operating systems, and devices on the cloud!