
Deadly Nashville school shooting reignites gun control debate

Three children and three adults were killed in a shooting Monday at a Christian elementary school in Nashville.

Cleveland — as police continue to investigate Monday’s deadly school shooting in Nashvillethe conversation for gun control is getting bigger and more controversial.

A gun expert from northeastern Ohio, John Kirknap worked for the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for 30 years.

“I’m neither pro-gun nor anti-gun. I’m the gun owner’s fault,” says Killnup.

Killnup places the blame on parents who have guns in their homes. Most shootings, he said, occur when a child acquires a gun that a parent has not properly stored.

In the case of the Nashville shooter, a 28-year-old woman obtained at least two weapons legally.

Kirknap says a thorough background check is required, but he believes the conversation seems to be fading.

“It’s falling by the wayside because people don’t want to hear it anymore. Because they feel it’s going back to their constitutional rights. Whether it’s the ATF or the FBI, they keep your guns away.”

President Joe Biden, a longtime supporter of gun control, has again called on Congress to pass legislation banning assault-style weapons in the aftermath of Monday’s shootings.

“It’s heartbreaking and a family’s worst nightmare,” Biden said at the White House after the incident. I again call on Congress to pass a ban on assault weapons. It’s time we started to move a little further.”

Students, teachers and administrators have lost their lives to gun violence in America’s schools yet again. Both the President and Kirknap agree that things are out of control.

“Today’s gun violence is at a level this country has never seen before,” says Kirknup.

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine is proposing to place a resource officer in every public and private school in the state. If the bill is passed, it could put a Buckeye State School Resource Officer in place this fall.

https://www.wkyc.com/article/news/crime/retired-northeast-ohio-federal-agent-provides-insight-nashville-school-shooting-reignites-gun-control-debate/95-65631f40-52cf-4a74-ac22-9af38ed89adb Deadly Nashville school shooting reignites gun control debate

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