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EXPLAINER: What lies beyond Ohio’s volatile political map?

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — The 2022 election may have been held and decided, but Ohio’s political map is still far from settled.

It was envisioned to be a once-in-a-decade process to redraw the US House and Capitol districts of states to reflect updated information. 2020 Census Population FiguresIt has now been promised an extension through 2023, and possibly more.

Most US states were eventually able to settle disputes over maps, but Ohio’s protracted ordeal trapped it in a uniquely confusing legal stalemate.

Let’s see how Ohio got here and what happens (or doesn’t) next.

How did the new cartographic process work?

This was the first time Ohio tried a new method of mapping Congress and Legislation.

In 2015, Ohio voters, seeking to avoid partisan gerrymandering, voted overwhelmingly to authorize the new bipartisan Ohio Reorganization Commission to map the state capitol. Did. These are the senatorial and congressional districts that voters send to Columbus.

Under the new rules, the map will be valid for a full decade if both parties agree on new boundaries. Single party support will be on the map for four years.

Another successful constitutional amendment was also very popular with voters in 2018. It set up a new system for determining state congressional districts, the congressional districts voters send to Washington.

The state legislature gets the first crack in drawing the line. If they fail, the committee will be next. If that fails, Congress can make one last attempt. A three-fifths majority of minority parties (in this case the Democrats) must agree to the new map for him to be valid for 10 years. Without it, it would only last four years.

Ultimately, what appears to be an incentive for bipartisan compromise is We’re screwed Democrats didn’t cast a single vote on any of the final maps, which were all Republican-drawn.

What powers did the new system give to state high courts?

Voters gave the Ohio Supreme Court “exclusive and unique jurisdiction” to decide legal challenges. three lawsuits against the legislative map When two lawsuits Against the map of Congress.

In a series of 4-3 votes, the court annulled all the maps sent.Court said map was unfairly profited one party: Republican Party. These maps contained two separate parliaments. map — one approved by lawmakers in November 2021 and one March 2022 — and five sets of state capitols map.

Did the Ohio election still take place?

That is correct.Amid legal clashes last year, court allowed Ohio to move forward May When August Primary under unconstitutional map.

This fall, Republicans won 10 of Ohio’s 15 seats under the controversial U.S. House map (although Democrats scored some notable victories ).A map of the disputed state capitol yielded even bigger Republican supermajority.

However, maps are not valid beyond this election cycle. they have to be redrawn.

OK, the map didn’t fly. Did you get results?

That’s the conundrum.even if they miss deadline ridiculous court orderRepublicans say they do all you can Understanding and interpreting the fledgling process. They said the court’s order was unreasonable and contradictory.

A group of voting rights and Democrats, who won seven straight victories in court, called for the deputies or commissioners to be detained. contempt of court.

Ultimately, the judges shut their mouths.Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor told The Associated Press at the end of the year interview She feared that such action would create a constitutional crisis.

Importantly, the Ohio Supreme Court had no other enforcement options available. The new system also prevented courts from imposing specific maps. supported by litigants Or not developed by professionals or created by myself.

Where do these cases now stand?

The Ohio legislative map controversy now awaits a lawsuit in the U.S. Supreme Court held by Republican legislative leaders. requested reconsideration of their loss in state court.

This incident may be considered in connection with a closely monitored incident Moore v. Harper caseWhose oral arguments Held in December. The lawsuit seeks to resolve whether the provisions of the U.S. Constitution that give state legislatures the power to make rules regarding “when, where and how” legislative elections mean that state courts are cut off from the process.

If Ohio’s appeal is denied, Republican Ohio House Speaker Bob Kapp said lawmakers would have 30 days to pass a new map of Congress. Not expected.

Meanwhile, Ohio’s legislative map expired for the November 2022 election — On order of federal court. The Ohio Redistricting Commission must assemble again and create a new constitutionally compliant map in time for the 2024 election. The state constitution stipulates that this process cannot begin until his July 1st of this year. A lawsuit challenging the state legislative map. ended in a draw It remains open this summer.

Has Ohio’s political dynamic changed?

yes and no. The Ohio Redistricting Commission, which consists of the governor, secretary of state, auditor, and her four members of Congress, remained in his 5-2 favor for the Republicans after the November election.

Mr. Cup, a key figure in redistricting, will retire, but his successor will also be a Republican.

But the political leanings of the Ohio Supreme Court may have changed.

O’Connor, a Republican, had significant voting power in court, but retired Saturday due to age restrictions. left. nominated Republican Joe Detersa longtime Hamilton County prosecutor.

Only time will tell if Dieters, unlike O’Connor, will endorse the other three Republican justices on the seven-man court.

For her part, O’Connor announced plans to pursue reorganization reform of the Ohio Constitution. one of her decisionsMany other companies are cooperating in similar efforts. The timing of the voting campaign is undecided.

https://www.nbc4i.com/news/your-local-election-hq/explainer-whats-ahead-for-ohios-unsettled-political-maps/ EXPLAINER: What lies beyond Ohio’s volatile political map?

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