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Gambling Awareness Month highlights vulnerabilities in sports betting

(WKBN) — March, typically known for the start of the college basketball playoffs, is also Problem Gambling Awareness Month. Here are some ways to stay safe while betting.

Sports betting legalized in Ohio January 1, 2023. During that year, Ohioans bet more than $7 billion. — This is an astonishing number that is expected to exceed this number by 2024.

The ability to bet on sports games anytime, anywhere can pose some problems, said Michael Buselli, deputy director of the Ohio Problem Gambling Network.

“In 2022, we received over 6,000 calls and in 2023, we received over 10,000 calls.Many of those calls were from people who had just engaged in the same behavior the previous year and were seeking immediate help. ,” Buzzelli said.

Not only are there more calls, but more people are seeking help for gambling problems. The only thing that's going down is the age group of people seeking help. Buselli said he's getting more calls from 18- to 24-year-olds than ever before.

However, Buzzelli said that while sports betting is less likely to become addictive, “people who are heavily involved in sports betting are more likely to become addicted, in contrast to sports betting being more dangerous than things like slot machines or poker.” They are more likely to get sick.” . ”

Buzzelli said PGNO is not anti-gambling, but promotes responsible gambling. This includes setting time and financial limits that don't interfere with your daily life, such as work or hobbies.

Some red flags include anger, isolation, depression, or selling products. If you're good at a sport, if you're no longer enjoying the game, it may be time to quit.

“I mean, 'Oh, you're already watching this. I'm going to add more excitement, more enthusiasm.' But if it wasn't — if it was the other way around, now you're angry and your money is gone.” “Getting excited while watching a game just because it's on the line is a big red flag,” Buzzelli said.

PGNO recently launched the Gambling Telemedicine Network for individuals who want to receive services from the comfort of their home.

https://www.wkbn.com/news/ohio/problem-gambling-awareness-month-brings-to-light-sports-betting-vulnerabilities/ Gambling Awareness Month highlights vulnerabilities in sports betting

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