Home Lifestyle How Strict Are Gun Laws In Ohio?

How Strict Are Gun Laws In Ohio?


Ohio’s gun laws govern the sale, possession, and usage of firearms and ammunition in the United States. Other than the prohibitions imposed by federal law, their law imposes very few additional restrictions on gun ownership and transactions. Ohio gun law is primarily concerned with the carrying and transportation of firearms.

Although the Ohio Constitution recognizes the right to keep and bear arms, many people wonder how rigorous Ohio’s gun restrictions are. To address the question, various limits must be adhered to while purchasing a firearm in Ohio.

Ohio gun law restrictions

In Ohio, a person must be at least 18 years old to purchase a long gun such as a rifle or shotgun, with some limitations still in place. In Ohio, a person must be at least 21 years old to qualify for the purchase of either a handgun pistol or a revolver. This rule applies to both private and Federal Firearms Licensee sales. However, when it comes to ammunition, components, and accessories like these AR10 bolt carrier groups, the rule on purchasing age is quiet.

There are a couple of other laws in Ohio that you should be aware of. It is against the law to intentionally shoot a firearm while inside a car. Antique or replica rifles, shotguns, and handguns are expected to be considered seriously as modern guns and subjected to the same laws. Under current Ohio regulatory law, antiques or replicas must be carried and acquired.

While there are restrictions on acquiring a long gun under the age of 18 and a handgun under the age of 21, there are no restrictions on owning a long gun under 18 or a pistol under 21. A long gun may not be given or sold to anybody under the age of 18, and a handgun may not be offered or sold to anyone under 21.

For concealed carry

Ohio became the 45th state to permit concealed carry in April of 2004 when the statute took effect. In Ohio, people aged 21 and up can get a concealed handgun license if they take at least 6 hours of discussion inside the classroom and 2 hours of range time from a qualified instructor. The applicant must also pass written and shooting tests, pass a criminal background check, and meet specific residency criteria.

A concealed carry license in Ohio does not allow for completely unrestricted carry. Any private property owner can prohibit handguns by putting a sign in a prominent location or giving verbal notification. O.R.C. has legislated additional “no-carry” zones, including most government buildings, churches, and school property, with the latter two zones allowing licensees to carry in limited circumstances.

For open carry

Ohio is an open-carry state in the classic sense. Open-carry of weapons by persons legally in possession of the firearm is legal in Ohio, whether or not they have a license. But unless you acquired a permit for concealed carry and you were not consuming alcohol, it is prohibited to carry a pistol on Class D liquor licensed facilities openly. The legislation is silent on whether or not the handgun must be concealed.

In Ohio, concealed carry is still prohibited on college campuses, but open carry is permitted. Colleges can now hire and designate approved personnel or organizations to govern the campus with concealed carry guns. Private daycare facilities can still prohibit concealed firearms from being carried on school grounds by putting “no gun” signs. Finally, this bill allows active-duty military members to purchase a handgun without a concealed handgun license if they can show proof of their weapons training and a current military I.D.