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Impact of high Medicare reimbursement rates | WTOL 11

Medicare reimbursement rates no longer cover medical costs, preventing agencies from paying competitive wages.

TOLEDO, Ohio — The challenge of finding health aides for loved ones is one that many in Northwest Ohio can relate to. Health care advocates who spoke to WTOL say the lack of new coverage is making it harder to find the person.

Elderly people in the Toledo area fear that the lack of available housing puts the elderly and people with disabilities at risk of losing care Health care workers.

“Companies can’t pay their aides something they can support their families with,” said home health client Carol Schull.

Agencies that cannot cover the cost of care should provide care to Medicaid recipients because Medicare reimbursement rates no longer cover the cost of care, preventing agencies from paying competitive wages. is moving away from

“The biggest impact is not being able to pay market wages. You can pay up to $10 more an hour for the same job,” said Joe Russell, Ohio’s executive director. Home Care and Hospice Council.

The lack of competitive wages for caregivers is fueling the ongoing health workforce shortage. On May 11, the Ohio Senate is holding hearings to discuss Medicaid payments as part of the state budget.

https://www.wtol.com/article/news/health/high-medicare-reimbursement-rates-are-impacting-senior-citizens/512-275f7ef1-b8e0-446f-8209-dc18d25492b8 Impact of high Medicare reimbursement rates | WTOL 11

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