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Interesting facts about casinos.


Casinos: what you didn’t know

Today casinos can be played both offline and online. In terms of assortment, both options are very similar: there are slot machines, poker, JooCasino live roulette, etc. In an ordinary casino, players have the opportunity to feel its atmosphere: dim lights, a variety of sounds and lights, slight intoxication, and easy communication. In online casinos, light and sound effects are available only when you turn on the game, but you can relax and play anytime from anywhere in the world.

The most common casino myths

There are several myths around casinos. And here are the most common ones:

If the slot machine hasn’t given out winnings for a long time, then it is already somewhere nearby. Each spin of the reels on slot machines is based on random numbers and the result does not depend on the previous spins. Every time a random combination of images appears, so the number of spins and wins does not affect anything.

If you press the button differently, you can influence the result. This is also not true. No matter how hard the player hits the machine button (or the computer mouse/touchpad/touch screen button) and at what angle, the result will still be random and independent. This can only be part of the player’s personal ritual if he himself believes that such a press will definitely bring good luck.

The more a person places bets, the more the slots give out winnings. It is also a myth for the very reason. The result will be random every time.

There are actually a lot of fans of this kind of leisure all over the world. It is also known that many celebrities are also supportive of this type of entertainment: Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck, Charlie Sheen, and others regularly visit casinos and sometimes win big sums. Now, for example, any person from anywhere in the world can play Slotting online casinos. To do this, you just need a desire and any device with Internet access.

Some interesting facts about the casino

  • Even several Guinness records are associated with casinos and gambling businesses. Here are some of them.
  • The oldest croupier, Guinness Book of Records experts recorded a 79-year-old employee of one of the casinos in Las Vegas.
  • The largest casino in the world is The Venetian in Macau, China. The area of ​​the casino is 51.1 thousand square meters.
  • The most expensive casino chip was created by a Canadian jeweler in 2013. Its cost is estimated at 450 thousand dollars.
  • French citizen Bertrand Grospellier is famous for playing the most poker games in an hour at the same time. It was 62 games.
  • Irishman Phil Laak has made the Guinness Book of Records for his longest playing poker. It lasted 115 hours!
  • The most massive poker tournament recorded by Guinness experts consisted of 225 thousand players. The starting rate for each of them was $ 1.
  • The longest card throw was made at a distance of 65.96 m.
  • The largest blackjack table is located at the Viejas Casino in Southern California and has an area of ​​206.85 square meters.

Also, some unusual records are associated with the casino, which at first glance have nothing to do with them. For example, the largest tournament for the number of broken guitars, the largest wedding cake in the world, the largest bacon cheeseburger. Casinos use a variety of ways to become famous and attract the attention of potential players from all over the world.

The average age of the players

In the 1970s, the typical age of the main group of the most active gamblers was 30-55 years. Today the numbers vary considerably, and the age group is very evenly distributed between 17 and 70 years old. In other words, everyone is playing. Moreover, in adolescence, interest in gambling only grows. Teen engagement statistics:

  • 14 years old – 42%
  • 15 years old – 49%
  • 16 years old – 63%
  • 18 years old – 76%

Bingo game

Here it is better known as Lotto. But in the USA, this is a real passion, when hundreds of players gather in special large halls and carefully monitor the barrels being taken out and mark the dropped numbers with a special marker-stamp. The typical daily jackpot is around $ 2,500 per room. But in Vegas, you can get $ 20,000!

Online Games

The popularity of online live games for money is growing every year, primarily in Europe and Asia. Gaminator is extremely popular in Russia, and the biggest winnings in online casinos today are $ 1,683,524, just such a jackpot was hit by a certain Jim L.

Sports betting

Two-thirds of American adults make at least one sports bet during a calendar year. Interesting statistics: in families with an income below the average, sports bets are made 3 times more often than in families with an income above the average.


Did you know that if you deal 5 cards from a deck of 52 cards, then there are 2,598,960 unique hands? And 1,098,240 variations with at least one pair of cards in hand. So the chance of playing poker to get a pair in your hands is 42.26%.

The most dashing bet

The biggest sports bet with the biggest winnings was placed in one of the Las Vegas bookmakers. The man bet $ 300,000 to win San Francisco over Team San Diego in Super Bowl XXIX. The odds were 1 to 8 and the man got it right! The prize was $ 2.4 million.
