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Is Ohio's political makeup shifting to purple?

DAYTON, Ohio (WDTN) — The statewide special election last week was the first major loss for the Ohio Republican party in decades, but is the state turning purple?

Purple means the state’s politics swing back and forth from Democratic blue to Republican red.

The state has been comfortably red for decades, as Ohio has had a Republican governor for 28 of the past 32 years, also currently holding all statewide offices and super majorities in the Ohio House and Senate.

This loss for the party comes just before another major vote in November about abortion rights and codifying the right to reproductive choice in the state constitution.

Strategists say it is too soon to judge whether Ohio is purple again. They say the results won’t be in for a while.

“I think there will be momentum,” Democratic strategist Dale Butland said. “I think the Democratic Party has been energized in a way it hasn’t been in many years. The question of whether it will carry over is an entirely different thing.”

“I think Democrats need to win statehouse seats, state senate seats, congressional seats and statewide elections to turn Ohio purple or blue,” Republican strategist Matt Dole said.

Both analysts note that the race last week and the election coming up in November are not partisan races with a clear party next to choices.

They say the 2024 election will be the next large indication of where Ohio stands.

https://www.wkbn.com/news/elections/is-ohios-political-makeup-shifting-to-purple/ Is Ohio's political makeup shifting to purple?

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