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July, August and September 2022 • Yellow Springs News

As reported in the July 5, 2012 issue of The News, “More than 80 people turned up in a march led by Melissa Heston as Wonder Woman to kick off Yellow Springs’ first Pride Weekend.” (News archive photo by Lauren Heaton)

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Edited To Don Hollister

125 years ago – 1897

The bicycle riot continues. “Approach pedestrians while controlling the steering wheel. If passengers show confusion, be prepared to get off. This is especially true for sidewalk driving.”

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date? “Ma Sweet is delighted that the young men of Yellow Springs will meet her talented daughters on Tuesday night.”

75 years ago – 1947

admission. “After a review of regular 12th grade enrollments in public schools Monday afternoon showed 394 attended the opening ceremony on Monday, Superintendent John Reinhart said, ‘We are I am at a loss.”

Postwar. “Last week, half of the boys who graduated from Bryan High School enlisted in the U.S. Army.”

How about a pool in town? “Not only can we build a swimming pool in Yellow Springs and pay for its upkeep, but we can also cut construction costs in the medium term … Cedarville is building a pool. Why can’t we? ” [from editorial by then YS News Editor Ernest Morgan]

moonlight picnic. “There will be a heartfelt Moonlight Picnic on the lawn of the Central Chapel AME Church on Saturday night. The Church’s Sunday School is the sponsor of this event.”

50 years ago – 1972

Dogs run free. “Chief McKee yesterday told the children of Mills Lawn that a dog pet should accompany them to school to prevent this in the future. We have asked them to call the pet owner when they show up, but they have promised to prosecute the owner of the dog’s continued attendance.”

pygmy goat. “Corinne Odione [Pelzl]Breeding experiments with milking strains of pygmy goats suffered a serious setback on Friday night when a dog broke into a fenced herd at the Odiorne mansion, killing one goat and injuring five others. rice field. ”

swimming lessons. “Basic swim lessons ended on Friday for nearly 500 local children who will be attending their 21st year of swimming instruction here.”

35 years ago – 1987

Sanitin America. “A year ago, Cernitin America was a 96-employee, fast-growing company with plans to build a $30 million headquarters in Yellow Springs. We are 33 and will be moving out of this town.”

All about Gilbert and Sullivan! “Gene Hooper and Ruth Bent were the guests of honor at a center stage party celebrating the completion by a local theater organization of all 13 plays written by Gilbert and Sullivan.”

25 years ago – 1997

grass farm. “In its report, the Affordable Housing Task Force recommends developing 31 mixed-income housing units on 20 acres east of Grass Farm. [on King Street]”

Ultimate Frisbee. Ultimate Frisbee pick-up games are held every Thursday at 7pm between the main building of Antioch College and Collie Street. … According to organizer Daniel Katz-Stein, Ultimate Frisbee is like “a cross between soccer and football.”

Utility bills. “Water rates were raised in October and will continue to rise over the next four years until more than double what they are today as a result of an ordinance unanimously passed by the village council at its meeting on Monday.”

10 years ago – 2012

Yellow Springs Brewery. “The craft beer revolution is coming to Yellow Springs, says a new microbrewery owner here. The aim is not to change the hearts and minds of locals, but to turn handcrafted beers into the palate one batch at a time. is.”

Little Art Theater. “The Little Art Theater Board is on track to raise nearly $500,000 in funding for a digital projector and complete theater renovation, the first in the theater’s 83-year history. That is.”

Invest in downtown. “Jim Hammond, who saved the Grinnell factory from near-certain collapse, has brought historic interest closer to the village. [now Mills Park Hotel] From the Friends Care community.

https://ysnews.com/news/2022/10/news-from-the-past-july-august-september-2022 July, August and September 2022 • Yellow Springs News

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