Home Health Legal CBD products and their benefits!

Legal CBD products and their benefits!



You see it a lot lately: the symbolic hemp leaf with the five or seven crooked fingers. Previously more likely to be found in somewhat dingy head shops, hemp products are now socially acceptable because they are considered organic, hip, and healthy in the form of seeds and oils.


Of course, they lack the active ingredient traditionally found in marijuana or hashish and make you “high”: tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC for short.

Nevertheless, hemp in its defused variants is not undisputed. This also applies to an ingredient in the plant that has recently been traded as a miracle cure: cannabidiol (CBD), so to speak, THC’s little, brave brother.


CBD is now legal in the US, and you can legally buy the best CBD product on JustBob and enjoy the many benefits that only the best quality CBD products can give you!


What is CBD?

CBD is the second most abundant cannabinoid in the hemp plant and is non-intoxicating and non-addictive. Some studies even suggest that it can help THC addicts get clean.

All sorts of health-promoting properties are attributed to CBD. For example, Internet forums report how a few drops a day freed them from their chronic pain or panic attacks, and they were finally able to sleep peacefully again. It is even said to help with obesity and against cancer.


THC gets you high, CBD doesn’t

The latter finding is mainly based on experiments with rats and some clinical studies. In 2017, Shanna Babalonis from the University of Kentucky compared the psychoactive effects of CBD with those of CBD in combination with THC and with a placebo.


She asked 31 marijuana users about their subjective perception of intoxication at varying doses to do this. In addition, she tested physiological effects (such as heart rate) and effects on psychomotor functions and attention. In all areas, cannabidiol is performed just like the dummy drug. It was only in combination with THC that the subjects felt “high” and on drugs.


It can be explained pharmacologically well. THC develops its intoxicating effect primarily through the interaction with the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 of the endocannabinoid system in the brain. In contrast, CBD binds to them less strongly, more likely blocking their signaling pathway. However, it also interacts with many other signaling pathways and receptors and can therefore act in various ways.


CBD benefits

So far, the therapeutic benefit of CBD has only been proven in epilepsy. However, several studies by neurologists Orrin Devinsky and Elizabeth Thiele from 2016 to 2018 with hundreds of patients demonstrated its effectiveness in treating severe childhood seizures.


Therefore, in 2018, the cannabinoid was identified as an antiepileptic (Epidiolex) for Dravet and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, approved in the USA, and approval in the EU finally followed in 2019. Researchers suspect that CBD changes the calcium concentration within the nerve cells via various mechanisms and thus suppresses epileptic voltage impulses. In addition, due to its anticonvulsant properties, it is also a component of the active ingredient nabiximols (Sativex), used to treat spasms in multiple sclerosis.


Preliminary results raise hope that CBD could also help people with psychosis. Several studies with schizophrenia patients prove that it may dampen hallucinations and delusions and some antipsychotics – and without the sometimes severe side effects. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, CBD could also be a candidate for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, but also arthritis or psoriasis. Experiments in animals and cell cultures also indicate that the cannabinoid may counteract the proliferation and spread of tumor cells in certain types of cancer.


CBD has an inverted U-shaped action curve

The researchers were able to show here and in other studies that the effect is dose-dependent. For example, CBD has an anxiolytic effect at 300 to 600 milligrams per day but not at 100 or 900 milligrams; this indicates an inverted U-shaped response curve. Furthermore, the working group confirmed that CBD also reduces anxiety in patients with social phobia using a similar experiment.


Findings on sleep are sparse and inconclusive. However, there is evidence that the cannabinoid can be soothing and sleep-inducing in higher doses but more stimulating in lower quantities.


But cannabidiol could perhaps help people who want to quit smoking – at least that’s what a double-blind study from 2013 suggests. Celia Morgan from University College London had 24 smokers inhale either a placebo or CBD for a week – whenever they felt like it. During this period, the CBD group smoked 40 percent fewer cigarettes than before treatment, while there was no noticeable difference in the placebo group. CBD could also dampen THC cravings. 

In 2019, Yasmin Hurd, director of the Addiction Institute at Mount Sinai in New York City, found similar findings among heroin addicts. She showed that CBD reduces the so-called “craving,” .thus helping addicts get clean.


Purchase only the best CBD products

Make sure you only buy high-quality CBD oils, flowers, and other CBD products. This is the best way to enjoy the many CBD benefits fully.

To do so order your CBD online for delivery throughout the country.