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Local Ohio woman charged with animal cruelty agrees to adopt 14 of 32 abused dogs


There are new developments in the Belmont County Shih Tzu hoarding case.

A Piedmont, Ohio, woman whose 32 small dogs and five cats were confiscated in dire conditions Tuesday has agreed to give 14 of the dogs to new owners.

Kay Conway

Kay Conway still faces 10 misdemeanor counts of animal cruelty.

After being rescued for two months at Belmont County Hoof and Paw, many of the dogs are now in good health and ready to be re-homed.

“For the record, the process here is that anyone who wants to consider adoption contacts Hoof and Paw, and the process begins there.”

Judge Eric Costin, Western District Court, Belmont County

“We ask everyone to be patient. Trials are long processes. It’s very satisfying for us to see these 14 dogs released because it really helps the dogs in the long run.” That’s our ultimate goal.”

Julie Lalish, Belmont County Hoof and Paw Humanitarian Agent

Belmont County Hoof and Paw has already received 200 adoption applications and is continuing to accept more.

Kay Conway is scheduled to return to court in late March for another hearing.

If convicted, each charge could result in 90 days in jail and a $750 fine.

https://www.wtrf.com/belmont-county/local-ohio-woman-charged-with-animal-cruelty-agrees-to-allow-14-of-her-32-abused-dogs-to-be-adopted/ Local Ohio woman charged with animal cruelty agrees to adopt 14 of 32 abused dogs

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