
Message from Maria Safe Driving Day

Through this program, students will gain a deeper understanding of how important it is to be fully conscious and focused when behind the wheel.

Columbus, Ohio — Maria’s message The Safe Driving Day campaign, held in honor of Dom Tiberi and Teri Tiberi’s daughter Maria, aims to help young drivers learn to drive defensively.

Professional drivers offer free defensive driving courses during three one-day events on June 10th, July 29th and August 19th during the summer.

Registration is now closed. We will reopen closer to the next event.

Students will do three exercises:

  • wet pavement brakes
  • emergency lane change
  • Operating a skid car.

The goal is that at the end of this event, students will have a deeper understanding of how important it is to be fully conscious and focused when behind the wheel.

These are not serious driving lessons. These sessions are designed to teach young drivers how to deal with road emergencies.

Dom Tiberi believes these classes are essential.

“The skills these kids learn are very important and, quite frankly, lifesaving.

Over seven years, over 700 young drivers have completed these defensive driving courses.

This year, 10TV and Maria’s Message are partnering with Better Ohio Teen Drivers.

There are 3 sessions each day. Drills are held at 10am, noon and 2:30pm. Classroom instruction will be provided to him 30 minutes before each session.

Classes are held at the Roadmaster Drivers School at 977 Frank Road. Participants must have a driver’s license or license. Participation is limited to drivers between the age of 15 and a half and the age of 22. Participants and guardians will be required to sign a consent form where applicable.

Registration is now closed. We will reopen closer to the next event.

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https://www.10tv.com/article/news/local/outreach/marias-message/marias-message-safe-driving-days/530-f63b9a12-876d-400a-a038-8f051db5d03c Message from Maria Safe Driving Day

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