Home Business Metal 3D Printing Machines are revolutionizing the Manufacturing Industry

Metal 3D Printing Machines are revolutionizing the Manufacturing Industry


Although 3D printing machines were invented during the 1980s, they started to be commercialized in the following decade. It took some time for them to get the notoriety that they now have acquired, but there is no doubt that they revolutionized the manufacturing industry, and they did so right from the start. Here are the various ways in which they have made this world better.

A Large variety of Metal 3D Printing Machines

Today, there are various metal 3D printing technologies available for manufacturers to choose from. One of the most popular one is powder bed fusion technology (PBF). It uses a laser or electron beam to melt or fuse powder particles together in the goal of creating a three-dimensional object, building it layer by layer. PBF is now used in a wide range of industries that include aerospace, healthcare and automotive. It is the right choice to make in order to produce complex components, which are difficult or impossible to manufacture using traditional molding or specific cutting techniques.

What are the Advantages of Metal 3D Printing Machines?

It is difficult to find companies that create an evolution as great in this field such as a 3D printing machine manufacturer. They have brought to the market a tool that has enabled the creation of new parts that are more complex and intricate than ever before, while reducing the production time and cost as we will now explain.

More Flexibility in the Design and Production of Parts

Metal 3D printing enables the creation of designs that were previously difficult or impossible to manufacture using traditional methods. It offers the possibility of customizing parts tailored to specific requirements by various clients. The plan is inserted into the software of the machine, which then reproduces the object designed identically through the technological process of the particular 3D printing machine chosen for the task.

It creates an Industry More Environmentally Friendly

In traditional manufacturing, there is often an excess of material that is removed at the end of the process. This is not the case with metal 3D printing, since parts are built layer by layer, which reduces material waste. For the first time, the manufacturing industry can affirm that it is part of a more sustainable world, which has become critical for our societies to survive and to continue thriving, although in different ways than before.

A Reduction in Costs

There are various ways in which metal 3D printing technology helps to save costs for manufacturers and their clients. The first is that it reduces the number of components that is need to create a single part. Before, various elements had to be created and then put together to form the final product. This meant using much more energy, which reflected itself in the cost. The same can be said about the material that had to be utilized, as well as the time that it took and had to be charged to the client, in the end. All in all, this technology eases production processes and reduces assembly time, which lowers the overall cost of manufacturing.