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‘Nalox Box’ Fights Overdose at Jefferson County Rest Area

Jefferson County, Ohio (WTRF) — Drug-related deaths have reached unimaginable proportions.

More than 100,000 people a year in the US…so where can we find the solution?

In Jefferson County, it lives in sprayers and small cardboard boxes.

This is the first roadside Naloxbox installed in each restroom of the Saline Township Rest Area along Ohio Routes 7 and 213.

The box got its name because it contains two doses of Naloxone, also known as Narcan.

These are blows to the spiraling problem of skyrocketing overdose cases and more powerful opioids.

“Generally, when large doses are released, people stop breathing, which obviously leads to death.”

Chief Clark Krago, Director of TEMS Joint Emergency District Operations

When an overdose prevents the user from breathing normally, the nasal spray quickly attaches to receptors in the brain to prevent opioids from overdoing the body.

The life-saving kit is developed by the National Institutes of Health, which funds healing community research in which Jefferson County participates.

“The data we have from last summer to this summer show that the new system is clearly working.”

Chief Clark Krago, Director of TEMS Joint Emergency District Operations

Crago has called the particular rest area a “hotspot” for drug problems, with calls to EMS not just for respiratory problems but heart troubles as well.

Boxes are checked daily, and this month we have witnessed sprays being taken out anonymously, and we are so happy that they are getting to someone who desperately needs them.

“Because families, some families, are just suffering and needing all the help they can for their families.”

Chief Clarke Clago, Director of TEMS Joint Emergency District Operations

So far, Naloxbox has been opened twice and no 911 calls have been made.

But if you get stuck, officials say they can complete the rescue mission Naloxone started.

https://www.wtrf.com/jefferson-county/naloxboxes-fight-off-overdoses-at-jefferson-county-rest-stop/ ‘Nalox Box’ Fights Overdose at Jefferson County Rest Area

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