
Ohio River expected to flood again

WHEELING, W.Va. (WTRF) – Rainfall Thursday night is expected to cause parts of the Ohio River to flood again.

Where we are now and what to expect

About 3 inches of rain fell in areas as far north as Pittsburgh, causing flooding downstream of the Ohio River.

Total rain in the last 48 hours

New Cumberland Locks and Dam

The New Cumberland Locks & Dam is expected to culminate in minor flood stage at approximately 37.3pm on Saturday.

wheeling island

Water levels in the Wheeling Islands will rise, peaking at about 9.9 feet, putting people there just one step away from moderate flood stage. This will take place on Saturday evening.


The Ohio River is expected to rise, peaking at about 41.6 feet at Moundsville. This takes place on Saturday night.

Hannibal Lock & Dam

Hannibal Locks & Dam is expected to culminate in minor flood stage early Sunday morning around 3:36 p.m.

We will monitor the emblem level and update you with any updates.

If you need assistance, please call your county's Office of Emergency Management.

https://www.wtrf.com/ohio-weather/the-ohio-river-expected-to-flood-again/ Ohio River expected to flood again

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