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Pennsylvania 911 operator put on trial in woman’s death

GREEN COUNTY, Pennsylvania (WTRF) — A 911 dispatcher is on trial for misdemeanor manslaughter for the death of a woman in 2020, reports say. observer reporter.

Waynesburg’s 50-year-old Leo Price was a 911 dispatcher who allegedly refused an ambulance for a woman.

At a preliminary hearing on December 19, Superior District Judge Robert Redlinger presented the charges along with misdemeanor charges of reckless endangerment and obstruction of court. His one misdemeanor charge of public repression was dismissed, according to official records.

Dinia Kronk, 54, passed away on July 2, 2020 after her two children called 911 for help the day before. Price refused to help her mother.

In a fateful phone call, Price told Kronk’s daughter that he would not provide emergency services because he was not sure Kronk would agree to treatment, according to court records in October.

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Greene County District Attorney David Russo said the incident was a tragedy and should never have happened. I was convinced it shouldn’t.

The case also included three Greene County emergency officers, Gregory Leathers, Robert “Jeff” Rhodes, and Richard Politz, who were also scheduled to face trial for misdemeanor charges of falsification of public records and obstruction of justice. .

Redlinger dismissed the felony conspiracy charge and two misdemeanor counts were charged against the three men.

At the latest meeting, Kronk’s adult children were able to testify to events from July 1st. Robert Cronk explained his mother’s mental health problems that day at his Browns Creek home near Sycamore, where he said her mother was incoherent, making strange noises and turning yellow. said.

Robert told his sister, Kelly Titchenell, about his mother, and she called 911.

According to court records, Price allegedly refused to send an ambulance without assurance that Kronk would be willing to go to treatment.

Robert Cronk said he waited a few more hours, but no help came, so he returned to the mobile home on the property.

He returned the next day around 11:00 a.m. to find his mother dead. Authorities found the cause of death to be internal bleeding.

Former 911 operator Dennis Desmet is now acting as a whistleblower. She previously testified that Price had chosen not to send service to Kronk, citing 911 dispatch training and explaining that the decision was not his.

Desmet reportedly said that as dispatchers, time is of the essence and their job is to make calls to the EMS.

Prices are free for $15,000 unsecured bonds. He is awaiting formal arraignment in general court.

https://www.wtrf.com/pennsylvania/pennsylvania-911-operator-will-stand-trial-in-womans-death/ Pennsylvania 911 operator put on trial in woman’s death

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