
Police crack down on pro-Palestinian protesters at Ohio State University – Video report | US News

Police clashed with demonstrators at Ohio State University hours after protesters gathered Thursday night. University spokesman Benjamin Johnson said those who refused to leave after being warned were arrested and charged with trespassing, citing rules that prohibit nighttime events.

As the death toll rises and the humanitarian crisis worsens in the Gaza Strip, protesters at universities across the United States are calling on schools to sever economic ties with Israel and remove financial support from companies they say are fueling the conflict. requesting withdrawal.Some Jewish students say the demonstrations have taken on an anti-Semitic bent, making them afraid to set foot on campus, contributing to calls for police intervention.

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2024/apr/26/police-crack-down-on-pro-palestine-protesters-at-ohio-state-university-video Police crack down on pro-Palestinian protesters at Ohio State University – Video report | US News

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