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Safe Space Dublin helps citizens report crimes and find services

Dublin, Ohio (WCMH.

The new Safe Spaces Dublin program, first introduced in November, offers people a new opportunity to report hate crimes, threats or other intimidation incidents, and city leaders believe they can help build inclusive communities. Hope it helps.

Dublin Police Chief Justin Páez said, “We felt there was an opportunity for the community to come together and take care of our members and visitors to our community.”

Safe Space Dublin creates places around town where people in need can find countless resources from their community peers.

“[Community members] can enter any of those established locations, [connect] Being in that environment, with someone who can hear them, can call the right resources or connect them to support resources that are part of the Safe Space Dublin program,” Páez said. said.

The creation of Safe Space Dublin follows November’s Town Hall discussion, where Dublin law enforcement and other community leaders discussed improving mental health and embracing cultural differences.

“It really gives you the opportunity to engage with members of the community and understand and hear their unique perspectives on the climate and culture here in Dublin,” Paez said.

All city buildings and the Washington Township fire station now serve as Safe Space Dublin locations, Paes said, but identifiable stickers for the program can be found outside businesses across Dublin. can.

Scott Brown, a Dublin police officer, said, “No one should feel that they do not have a say in their community.” Don’t feel left out in your community because you love

Brown is a school resource officer at Dublin Sciote High School. He also trains Dublin businesses on the program’s response protocols.

“Some of it is gradual,” said Brown. “We ask some questions they can ask about what they might experience when someone walks in.”

For those who find it difficult to speak to someone directly, Brown said Safe Space Dublin gives a voice to those who might otherwise not be heard.

“You scan the QR code on the sticker and get the resource without having to interact with anyone,” says Brown. “So it’s a way that if they choose, they can get help and speak up without even having to interact.”

Business owners in Dublin are overwhelmingly supportive of the programme, with more businesses applying to join each day, Brown said.

Click for more information about Safe Space Dublin, links to resources and a list of participating companies. here.

https://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/dublin/safe-space-dublin-helps-city-residents-report-crimes-find-services/ Safe Space Dublin helps citizens report crimes and find services

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