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Salvation Army Back-to-School Movement Directly Supports Youngstown and Campbell Students

young townOhio (WKBN) – While school may seem far away, some local organizations are already collecting supplies for next year.

The Mahoning County Salvation Army and Premier Bank are working together to ensure that children are prepared.

Until the end of the month, you can help your children get ready to go back to school. But you need more than just paper and pen. The Salvation Army and Premier Bank also collect new and used shoes.

This is part of the Salvation Army’s Shoe Program for Scholars.

This collection will help serve Youngstown Schools and Campbell City Schools to assist students in kindergarten through age 12 in need.

The Salvation Army says it’s important that all children have the opportunity to start school on the right foot.

“Kids go to school many times and feel like they don’t fit in, or that their friends have more than they do. We want to start on a fair and equitable level and ensure that every child has the opportunity to get an education and the things they need in life,” said Paul, Salvation Army Regional Coordinator. Major Moore said.

But the Salvation Army isn’t just collecting shoes; it’s starting to collect school supplies, too.

Maj. Moore said the needs in the community have increased over the last few years due to inflation and other conditions. But he said there was one item the school needed the most.

“When I met with the school, I was kind of surprised that they really needed pencils. And we were like, ‘Pencils? We had no idea because we were using paper notebooks and things like notebooks, but they said pencils are like crazy, slipping through pencils,” Moore said.

School supplies can be donated until the end of the month as well as shoes. But Maj. Moore said he collects items all year round. All donations will be used at one point or the next school year.

Here are the Premier Bank locations where you can drop off your shoes for the school year:

  • board member
  • canfield
  • Kirk Road
  • freedom
  • McCartney Road
  • newport glen
  • Poland
  • Struthers
  • Youngstown Headquarters

However, Premier Bank stores only collect shoe donations.

https://www.wkbn.com/news/local-news/youngstown-news/special-back-to-school-drive-directly-benefits-youngstown-high-school-students/ Salvation Army Back-to-School Movement Directly Supports Youngstown and Campbell Students

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