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Smoke rises in northeastern Ohio amid smoke from wildfires in Canada

Cleveland — Have you noticed a hazy sky over your neighborhood these past few days? smoke flowing into the area From wildfires in Canada.

As a result, the National Weather Service in Cleveland issued an air quality warning for several northeastern Ohio counties all day Wednesday.

“Smoke and fog will cause poor air quality throughout the region today,” the National Weather Service posted on Facebook. “If you have to go out, it’s a good idea to limit your time and effort.”

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🌫🌫 Smoke and fog will worsen air quality throughout the region today. If you have to go out, it’s a good idea to limit your time and effort.

Contributor National Weather Service, Cleveland, Ohio upon Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Is your county included? Here’s a list of people affected by air quality alerts.

  • Ashtabra
  • Cuyahoga
  • Giaga
  • lake
  • Lorraine
  • Medina
  • Portage
  • summit

🔥🌫 More cloudy and smoky skies will be seen across the region today. This will drop the temperature into the low 70s and reduce the air quality.

Contributor National Weather Service, Cleveland, Ohio upon Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Officials warn that air quality levels “will be unhealthy for sensitive groups”.

“If you fall into sensitive groups, such as children, the elderly, or those with breathing difficulties, please monitor your outdoor activity and check your air quality readings at: airnow.gov‘ said the National Weather Service.

We also recommend that you avoid driving during air pollution warnings and refuel your gas tank after dark. Need to mow your lawn? We also recommend waiting for it.

The forecast is for mostly sunny skies today, but it will be affected by fog.

“There will be some filtered, hazy sunlight at times today,” explains 3News meteorologist Holly Strano.

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https://www.wkyc.com/article/weather/air-quality-alert-cleveland-akron-haze-canada-wildfire-smoke-northeast-ohio/95-3be85d88-a391-4f1d-af74-333522074a0b Smoke rises in northeastern Ohio amid smoke from wildfires in Canada

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