Tornado-damaged Greenville Cemetery needs some help after insurance company says 'no'
Dayton, Ohio (WDTN) – meanwhile Much of Greenville's damage is well place you might not think of is a cemetery.
The 140-acre Greenville Union Cemetery lost 75 percent of its trees in Tuesday's storm, according to management estimates.
“It was devastating, to say the least,” said Warrant Officer Tracy Tryon.
To make matters worse, the storm knocked down several gravestones.
“The older parts of the cemetery were the hardest hit,” Tryon said, adding that she was surprised that none of the cemetery's historic buildings were damaged.
“The tree fell, it fell on both sides. It was like the tree came down and just split open and spun around,” he said.
The cemetery dates back to 1850, is owned by the City of Greenville and the Township of Greenville, and receives no tax dollars. Funding is provided by burials and land sales.
That's why Tryon was disappointed to learn that insurance won't cover tree damage or cleanup costs, and they won't come cheap.
“I've heard it's between $50,000 and $100,000. We try to keep it as cheap as possible by doing it in-house, but it's expensive. It's hard to ask them to do it,” he says. I did. ”
Tryon said crews are doing everything they can to repair the cemetery, but it will be a long time before it is as it was before the storm.
“We have a lot of people walking their pets every day, riding their bikes, coming out here for a walk, looking around the set and reading books,” he said. To disappear. ”
The cemetery committee plans to collect donations to replace these lost trees. Tornado-damaged Greenville Cemetery needs some help after insurance company says 'no'