Home Ohio What Is Considered A Serious Drug Offense In Ohio?

What Is Considered A Serious Drug Offense In Ohio?


Ohio’s drug possession regulations are set down in Ohio Revised Code Section 2925.11, making it illegal to procure, possess, or use a controlled substance knowingly.

Under Ohio law, controlled chemicals are classified into five schedules. Schedule I is the most serious (Schedule I), and Schedule II is the least serious (Schedule II) (Schedule V).

The punishment for possession of more dangerous substances is more severe, whereas the penalty for possession of less hazardous drugs is less severe.

Ohio law establishes unique “bulk amounts” for each type of substance. These are the standards used to calculate the appropriate penalty based on the number of drugs. It’s that serious and complicated. That’s why it’s crucial to contact a drug lawyer if anyone is facing the said case.

Possession of a controlled substance carries the possibility of prison time, a monetary fine, or a combination of the two.

Suppose you’ve been arrested because of drug possession in Ohio, you should immediately contact a criminal defense counsel. If you engage a criminal defense attorney, you have the best opportunity of minimizing or removing your criminal charges.

Ohio’s Controlled Substances Laws

Ohio’s drug laws adhere to the federal classification of banned substances into five schedules:

Schedule 1 drugs have a high potential for abuse and no recognized medical uses. Schedule I substances include heroin, LSD, and marijuana. However, the Ohio Legislature has since passed laws authorizing the use of marijuana for medical purposes with a valid license.

Drugs classified as Schedule 2 have a high potential for abuse but just a few approved medical uses. These medications are dangerous because they have the potential to induce severe mental and physical dependence. Cocaine, methamphetamine, oxycodone, and fentanyl are all classified as Schedule II substances.

Schedule 3 drugs are well-established medical treatments with a low to moderate risk of abuse or dependence. Ketamine, as well as anabolic steroids, are classified as Schedule III drugs.

Schedule 4 medications are unlikely to be abused or become addicted. Additionally, many medications are recognized to have medical applications. For example, Xanax, Valium, and Ambien are Schedule IV drugs.

Schedule 5 drugs are the least likely to be abused and have the most often prescribed therapeutic uses. Antidiarrheal and cough suppressant medicines are included in Schedule V.

Knowing if a drug is a Schedule I or II restricted substance or a Schedule III, IV, or V prohibited substance is crucial for criminal charges, sanctions, and punishment.

Possession of Controlled Substances Carries Serious Penalties in Ohio

The severity of penalties for possessing controlled substances is influenced by several factors, including the type and quantity of the substance. For example, the fines for possession of Schedule I and Schedule II controlled substances are more severe.

The quantity of the material also influences the penalty for possessing a controlled substance.

Marijuana, LSD, heroin, and cocaine, as well as other illegal substances, are weighed. Other banned substances are quantified in bulk, as defined by Ohio’s drug laws.

Each controlled substance is allotted a bulk amount by statute. The seriousness of the penalty is contingent upon the defendant possessing less or more than the bulk quantity.

It’s worth mentioning that possessing a valid prescription for a controlled substance is not illegal. Numerous illegal substances have medical uses, particularly those listed in Schedules III, IV, and V. On the other hand, possessing a controlled substance without a genuine prescription may result in a felony or misdemeanor punishment.

What Happens if a Person is Convicted of Drug Offense?

If convicted of a drug offense in Ohio, you will face several different consequences. The most severe penalties are imprisonment and fines. Your driver’s license may be suspended or revoked if you are convicted of a drug offense.

You risk losing it indefinitely or temporarily if you have a professional license, such as a law, medical, or nursing.

Additionally, you will have a lifelong criminal record as a drug offender. Having a criminal record that includes a drug violation may make finding work, renting an apartment, or enrolling in further education programs difficult.