
Where is the early voting for this election?

Lucas County residents who want to vote early will be voting in their new location this season.

TOLEDO, Ohio — Tuesday is the first day of early voting, and this season’s early voting will take place at a new location in Lucas County.

Early voting for Lucas County voters will take place at a new location in the Common Services Building at Entrance C of 3737 West Sylvania Avenue in West Toledo.

If you want to vote early in Lucas County, the times are:

Early voting schedule for the November 2022 election:

October 12-14: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

October 17-21: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

October 24-28: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

October 29: 8am-4pm

October 31: 8am-7pm

November 1-4: 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM

November 5: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

November 6: 1:00pm – 5:00pm

November 7: 8:00 am – 2:00 pm

officials with Election Commission says early voting is safe and helps slow progress on Election Day. They think moving the location will help people because there is more parking and it is along a bus route.

Electoral Commission Secretary Ravella Scott said she has already received a large number of requests for absentee ballots.

“There will be more absentees. This is currently reflected in the number of absentees by mail we have already received. We have already received over 26,000 so we expect more,” Scott said. rice field.

Here is a list of other early voting places in Northwest Ohio:

Fulton County: Fulton County Election Commission. 135 Courthouse Plaza, Wartheon, Ohio 43567

Hancock County: Hancock County Election Commission. 201 East Lincoln Street Rear, Findlay, Ohio 45840

Henry County: Henry County Electoral Commission. 1827 Oakwood Avenue, Napoleon, Ohio 43545

Ottawa County: Ottawa County Electoral Commission. 8444 West SR 163,
Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449

Putnam County: Putnam County Election Commission. 575 Ottawa-Glandorf Road, Ste 2, Ottawa Ohio, 45875

Seneca County: Seneca County Election Commission. 71 South Washington Street, Ste 1101, Tiffin, Ohio 44883

Sandusky County: Sandusky County Election Commission. 2020 Countryside Drive, Fremont, Ohio 43420

Wood County: Wood County Courthouse. 1 Court House Square, Bowling Green, Ohio 43402

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https://www.wtol.com/article/news/politics/elections/where-can-i-vote-early/512-287ac0e8-06e1-4322-9da5-90a5963ccb58 Where is the early voting for this election?

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