
Why DeWine's State of the Union Address Is Different from Last Year's Address

Columbus, Ohio (W.C.M.H.) — In two days, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine is scheduled to deliver this year's State of the State address. last year, He said the country was “on the move.”

“We are coming together at a time of great opportunity for the state of Ohio, and we are coming together at a time of great opportunity for the state of Ohio and its people,” DeWine said last year. “This is also a time of great challenge.”

During last year's State of the Union address, dewine layout What did he want to see in the national budget?

“This is a budget that focuses on people, families and children,” he said.

Lawmakers heeded some of his demands, but not all of them crossed the finish line.

In his budget proposal, DeWine called on lawmakers to eliminate the state sales tax on “critical infant supplies” such as diapers, car seats and strollers.that law It took effect in October. But that's not the only tax cut he's proposed.

“I also ask that you enact a state tax credit of $2,500 per child,” DeWine said.

Although that ultimately did not materialize, households still receive the child tax credit, which is calculated based on income.

DeWine also wanted to increase adoptions in the state.A new grant program makes it possible, and now lawmakers can We want to put more money into the program..

DeWine also wanted to see a new division for children and youth become a reality. This department was created with the state budget and has been active ever since. DeWine said the department focuses on maternal, infant and child health. Children's behavioral health. Children in foster care facilities or receiving early childhood education.

DeWine called for another expansion. Education Choice Voucher Eligibility.

“The Ed Choice Scholarship Program is a historic investment in expanding eligibility to families at or below 400 percent of the federal poverty level,” he said.

He called for expanded educational options, but state lawmakers went a step further. made the program universal. The budget also boosted funding for public schools and included $200 million for career tech programs, compared to DeWine's original request for $300 million.

And when it comes to economic development, DeWine called for $2.5 billion to be invested in the All-Ohio Future Fund to prepare the infrastructure for large-scale economic development hubs in “every region of Ohio.”

“There aren't enough ready-to-develop sites that can handle the types of inquiries we're getting from companies around the world,” DeWine said. “We want all regions of the state to participate in Ohio’s economic recovery and that all Ohioans, no matter where they live, will prosper through our economic recovery.”

Mr. DeWine called the fund a one-time investment that will provide “a lifetime of returns.”MPs ultimately allocated $750 million to that fund..

The governor also spoke in detail. funding mental health.

“We have to do more,” DeWine said. “We must not accept that mental illness and addiction are inevitable.”

Funding for mental health programs was increased in the budget. For example, funding for early childhood mental health increased by 164% in fiscal year 2024.

DeWine also called for quality assurance for nursing homes.

“Many of the facilities in Ohio have very inconsistent standards of care,” he says.

The budget also increases funding for nursing home facilities, which DeWine recently said Introducing new tools We will help the people of Ohio choose one or the other.

The budget also includes $40 million annually for law enforcement training, as DeWine proposed in his speech.

This year's State of the Union address will be held on Wednesday. This is not a state budget year, so Mr. DeWine likely won't offer spending like he did last year.

https://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/columbus/why-dewines-state-of-the-state-address-will-differ-from-last-years-speech/ Why DeWine's State of the Union Address Is Different from Last Year's Address

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