Home Lifestyle Why you include a small living room set in your home office...

Why you include a small living room set in your home office design


If you are working on designing the perfect home office to work remotely for the foreseeable future, you might be limiting yourself by thinking of it in terms of office furniture. In reality, people expect your home office to be a bit more laid back than the traditional office setting.

Not only that, but living room furniture can be much cheaper than office furniture, especially when you buy it as a matched set. Here are some of the reasons you should consider getting a living room set for your home office area.

Accent chairs instead of executive chairs

You don’t need to buy chairs from an office furniture store for your visiting guests. Instead, get a living room set with one or two accent chairs to place on the visitor side of your executive desk. You can find inexpensive living room sets that include accent chairs that are not heavy or bulky, making them optional seating for other purposes and in other rooms as well.

Loveseat and coffee table

A loveseat and coffee table in your home office is a nice cozy place to have more informal business discussions and meetings. It also gives you a place to unwind and take a break without needing to leave the confines of your office. This can help you be more productive, especially if there are other people at home while you are conducting business. It is much too easy to get caught up on conversations and activities going on in the rest of the household and fail to get back to work in a timely manner.

Small sofa for a reception area

If you don’t have a solid reception area for your home office, you can create a makeshift one with a narrow sofa. When you get one that is part of the living room set with the other pieces above it will give the area a cohesive look, even though it is spread outside the room. A narrow sofa or loveseat could be placed on the wall of a wider hallway or in the foyer and you’ll find many options and living room sets for sale online.

Make the most use of storage ottomans

Ottomans give you yet another makeshift seat in case of need, but more than this many ottomans now have interior storage as well. This is a great way to have another place to store office supplies and tools of your trade and open up space in the room for things other than shelving and storage.

Full living room sets are tax deductible

There is no reason that you shouldn’t get a new living room set for your home office. Just like the rest of your home office design and décor, your office furniture is tax deductible even if you buy home furniture instead. If the furniture set will only be used for business purposes, the entire purchase amount is tax deductible. If you want to get a new set for your living room and use the old furniture for your office, you can deduct the remaining value of the set you are switching to business use.