Home Health The Different Types of Acne Scars and Acne Scar Removal Treatments

The Different Types of Acne Scars and Acne Scar Removal Treatments


Acne scars are not only difficult to manage, but they can be embarrassing as well. There are red acne marks treatments as well as acne scar removal treatments that work for some acne scars, but not all acne scars respond the same way to acne scar removal treatments. The type of acne scar you have will determine what acne scar removal treatment is best for your skin and how often you should apply it.

This article will outline the different types of acne scars and acne scar removal treatments that you may be interested in for your skin type.

Ice Pick Scars

The first type of acne scar on our list is ice pick acne scars. This type of acne scar is characterized by a pore that has been permanently stretched, making it look like an ice pick was inserted into the skin and dragged downward toward your chin or nose area.

These acne scars can make you appear older than you actually are, which could affect how others perceive you as well as what kind of treatment options may be available to you for acne scar removal treatments.

Treatments for Ice Pick Scars

Ice Pick Acne scars typically respond best to TCA Cross Treatment (Chemical Peel). Depending on the scar size and severity of your condition will determine how often this acne scar removal treatment needs to be applied in order for results to show up properly. For example: if only one acne scar exists on one-half of your face but not the other acne scar, you would need to apply the TCA Cross Treatment (Chemical Peel) acne scar removal treatment twice for that one acne scar.

Another great treatment for ice pick acne scars is acne scar surgery. This acne scar removal treatment is best for those who do not have a lot of acne scars but want to correct one or two acne scars that are extensive and difficult to conceal with makeup.

Boxcar Scars

The next acne scar we will be discussing is the boxcar acne scar. This acne scar is similar to ice pick acne scars, but it does not go as deep into your skin.

Boxcars are typically characterized by how close they are together. On average, four or more acne scars can form a pattern that resembles a tic-tac-toe board on your face. These acne scars tend to appear around age 12 and up, which makes this type of acne scar prevalent among teens who have yet to experience puberty fully for their bodies’ natural oil production process (sebum).

Usually, these types of acne scars result from an injury or trauma before any hormonal changes take place in the sufferer’s body during adolescence due to puberty setting in at different times for everyone.

Treatments for Boxcar Scars

Boxcar acne scars respond well to both chemical peel treatment and acne scar surgery, depending on the severity of your condition. These acne scars are not as severe as ice pick acne scars, so they may be able to go away with just one or two sessions of an acne scar removal treatment like chemical peels.

However, suppose you have more than four boxcars that cover your forehead area in particular. In that case, acne scar surgery is probably your best option at this time because it will yield faster results due to how extensive these types of acne scars can become over time.

Rolling Acne Scars

The next acne scar we will be discussing is called rolling acne scars. This acne scar occurs when the acne leaves small indents in your skin rather than an acne scar that appears raised off of your face like an ice pick and boxcar acne scars do.

Rolling acne scars appear as if someone has dragged their fingernail across a section of your face, leaving what looks to be wave-like indentations in certain areas around the surface layer of your skin.

Treatments for Rolling Acne Scars

The best treatment option for this type of acne scar would have to be microneedling with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma). Microneedles penetrate into the top layers of skin while slowly pushing their way through until it reaches the acne scar.

At that point, PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is applied to your skin’s surface, which then activates fibroblasts in order for them to produce more collagen and elastin throughout the affected areas of acne scars. This acne scar removal treatment can be performed multiple times until you achieve noticeable results in terms of acne scar reduction in size or full acne scar disappearance altogether, depending on how severe this type of acne scar may appear when treating it with microneedling with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma).

Hypertrophic & Keloid Scars

The last acne scar we will be discussing is acne scars that cause some of the most problems. These acne scars are called hypertrophic or keloid acne scars, depending on how deep their indents into your skin’s surface appear to be and how far they extend outward from the original point of trauma where acne breakout occurred.

This type of acne scar can present itself in several different ways, but it typically looks bulbous and raised off the level plane, which many people find very difficult to conceal with makeup products due to its overall size alone.

Treatments for Hypertrophic & Keloid Scars

One of the best acne scar removal treatments for acne scars like these is acne scar surgery. As we mentioned before, acne scar removal treatment options that include cosmetic dermatologists performing acne scar laser resurfacing or smart fractional CO₂ lasers can provide you with the best results as far as acne scar reduction goes. This is because it will remove any and all layers of skin affected by this type of acne scar, which allows your body to naturally regenerate new skin cells at a much faster rate than normal to fill up those deep indents caused by hypertrophic or keloid acne scars over time.


