Home Education Top 5 Motivational Books for Students

Top 5 Motivational Books for Students


You should not give up or lose hope if you fail a test or project in school. During difficult times, you need someone who can inspire and motivate you to keep on keeping on. When you graduate, you’ll realize that you cannot control everything that happens to you. When you have this in mind, all you’ll need is encouragement and words of advice to push yourself towards your goals. In situations where you start experiencing feelings of stress and overwhelm, you need to be focused and find a rich source of motivation. This is where motivational books come in. When a student starts reading a motivational book, their fears and worries will fade away. And they’ll start thinking positively and attracting positivity into their life.

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1.     The Secret – Rhonda Byrne

This is one of the best life-changing books in the world. It is a good motivational book that will help you recognize and make the most of your inner talents. By reading this book, you’ll realize that you can achieve any goal you set as long you understand your hidden potential. Some of the points that have been covered extensively in this book include:

  • The law of attraction
  • The importance of positive thoughts in your life
  • Discovering your hidden talent
  • The source of happiness and success

2.     The 5 AM Club – Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma’s 5 AM Club is an amazing book that will transform every aspect of your life through its lessons on decision-making, leadership, planning, and time management. The book focuses on the importance of waking up early and how this habit has enabled millions of people across the world to be successful. The book is amusing and enchanting. And it will help you in finding the purpose of your life. At times, you’ll find yourself having no time to complete all your tasks as planned. However, buying research paper online will ensure that you submit unique and high quality college essay. Apart from that, you’ll get time to read this book. Some of the key topics that have been discussed extensively in this book include:

  • The benefits of waking up early
  • Key formulas to apply to achieve your goals quickly
  • A series of steps to complete your lessons every day
  • Exercises that need to be followed by students

3.     The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho

This is a must-read book for every college student. The author narrates a story of a boy who travels across the world to pursue his dreams. You’ll be inspired to pursue your goals with determination regardless of the number of failures or problems that arise along the way. Nothing can stop anyone who has decided to achieve their goal. Some of the important points discussed in this book include:

  • Pursuing your dreams without losing hope
  • Marching ahead without fearing failure
  • The importance of working hard

4.     The Willpower Instinct – Kelly McGonigal

One of the biggest enemies of health, success, and financial well-being is a lack of willpower. You’ve probably tried several times to take control of yourself but you ended up giving in to your impulses. This book is one of the best guides to strengthen your willpower. Every chapter describes an important idea and how you can use it to achieve goals. Applying the strategies and methods in this book will help you learn how to manage your emotions, desires, and attention. You can apply the strategies outlined in this book in anything that you want to do. By doing this, you will transform your life.

5.     Eat that Frog – Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy is a leading expert in the field of success and psychology. This book is ideal for anyone who wants to manage time effectively by beating procrastination. You’ll get practical advice when it comes to prioritizing, planning your schedule, and working effectively. By reading this book and applying the strategies, you’ll get to work on several important tasks and complete them in less time.


To achieve any goal, you need to be motivated. Motivational books exist to create an optimistic effect on your life. They help in developing a healthy attitude towards life and boosting your confidence. The books that we’ve outlined here are the best in the market. And the best part is, they can easily be accessed on the internet. All you have to do is organize your schedule and find time to read these books. When you read and put to practical use the strategies shared in motivational books, your life will transform for the better. Which book are you going to start reading today?

Author Bio:

Helen Birk is an experienced essay writer and proofreader. She has always loved motivating students and adults to keep on keeping on. She enjoys reading poems, meeting new people, and visiting new destinations.