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6 Steps to Do When Looking for a New Job


Looking for a new job requires checking in with yourself to determine the most important things that matter to you in a new position. While it is important to keep an open mind about potential work, you should also keep in mind the values that matter most to you. To help you look for a new job successfully, here are six steps to follow.

1. Consider Your Finances

Even when a job seems like a great opportunity, it can quickly become a hassle if it is not set up in a way that provides you with consistent income. For instance, you may be better off in a position that offers a weekly paycheck so that you receive funds consistently.

Before taking on a new job, you want to review the general timeframe laid out for your finances. Ask about the payroll management software used at the company you’re considering working for to determine how quickly payments will be processed.

Whether you’re being paid an hourly wage as a freelancer or you earn a pipefitter salary, it’s important to always consider your current expenses and how well a new job’s wages will cover those costs.

2. Know Your Worth

If you have a degree or years of experience in a particular line of work, don’t settle for a job that limits your expertise. It might feel like an easy solution to go along with a job offer that’s there, but if the work does not leave you feeling fulfilled, it may not be the right fit. If now is the time to take on meaningful work, prioritize this and avoid jobs that minimize your potential.

3. Find Your Niche

To find a job that is up your alley, search high and low for opportunities that recognize your ability. Look for positions that highlight your work strengths.

For example, if you are a licensed therapist but know that your forte is working with groups, consider positions that offer these arrangements. If you enjoy work that has you avoiding pain from sitting at a desk, look for more physical and active positions.

6 Steps to Do When Looking for a New Job

4. Know Where to Look

To compile more options for jobs, you need to open up more avenues for yourself. Don’t limit your search to popular job placement platforms and websites.

Reach out to potential employers directly. Send in your cover letter and resume and ask if places are hiring. You never know if a company might consider you for work unless you reach out.

Do continue looking for job position postings online, but contact the companies and departments that interest you as well. You’ll also want to consider the locations for potential job opportunities. If you are expected to live somewhere where wages are delayed and rents are high, this might not be a lucrative opportunity for you.

5. Perfect Your Portfolio

Most jobs you’ll consider applying for will require that you send in materials showcasing your knowledge and work experience. Take time to perfect your portfolio and include all necessary references, contact numbers, and details of your experience in your portfolio. You want to hand over something you are proud of.

6. Determine Your Job Flexibility

You’ll need to consider whether or not traveling for work, moving for work, or even commuting to work are options as you pursue new employment. As you consider opportunities, you’ll need to narrow down possibilities. Deciding upfront if traveling is something you’re open to will make narrowing the search a lot easier.

The Bottom Line

Looking for a new job requires a series of steps that consider your job preferences and needs. Be strategic about how you search for positions and how you consider different opportunities that come your way.