Home Ohio Taking on Careless Drivers: How the Law Protects You

Taking on Careless Drivers: How the Law Protects You


According to the National Highway Traffic Administration, car accidents happen in the United States every sixty seconds.

Often, those accidents are the fault of careless drivers. They could be distracted, use excessive speed, make errors, lose control of their vehicles, or be intoxicated.

Thankfully, there are laws to protect you; meaning you can claim compensation to cover things like medical costs, car repairs, and loss of income.

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Experienced Lawyers Know the Legal Rights That Matter to Help You Gain Compensation

You have numerous legal rights after being involved in a car accident to help you prove the other driver was at fault and gain compensation.

You are not expected to know the ins and outs of legal rights, though. So, after you have been involved in a car accident that was not your fault, you should hire an experienced lawyer who has a thorough understanding of car accident claims and all of the legal factors.

Whether you need an injury lawyer or a fatal car accident attorney, by contacting a lawyer immediately after your accident, you do not have to wait around to learn about your legal rights and you can ensure you get the most financial compensation from your accident.

Medical Records Can Prove Your Injuries Were the Fault of the Careless Driver

When you can show medical records that are legally recognized to prove your injuries, it will be much easier to win an insurance claim against the negligent driver and receive fair compensation.

If you have any injuries, you should get the aid of a paramedic immediately after your car accident. Even if you do not have any noticeable injuries, you should get yourself checked out by a medical professional because you could have problems like internal bleeding.

Not only does getting immediate medical assistance help you to prevent any serious injuries from getting worse and enable you to recover more quickly. It also means you have official documentation of your injuries to use in your legal battle against the careless driver.

Medical records can prove your injuries are a result of the car accident and the other driver’s negligence.

You should also take photographs of your injuries as soon as possible to further prove the injuries that occurred to your person.

Witnesses Statements Can Be Reliable Legal Evidence to Help You Win Your Claim

You can help to ensure you get the legal compensation you deserve by speaking to witnesses of the car accident and getting their contact information. You should then forward their details to your lawyer and your insurance company.

Witness testimony can help swing a winning case because it is very reliable as legal evidence.

However, your lawyer should inspect the witness statements carefully because if they are inconsistent, the statements could actually harm your claim.

Photographs of the Accident Scene Can Help to Prove the Other Driver’s Negligence

Being able to provide evidence that is legally recognized is vital to prove the careless driver caused the accident and your injuries.

That is why it is beneficial to gain witness statements. It is also why you need to remember to take photographs of the accident scene.

Make sure you take a variety of photos that clearly show the damage to both cars and a wide view of the accident scene.

And ensure you photograph things that could legally prove negligence, such as skid marks on the road, which could show that a driver had to slam on his or her brakes after speeding.