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What Support is There for 9/11 Survivors?


The attacks of September 11 2001 were a defining moment in modern American history, and continue to influence everything from foreign policy to pop culture over 20 years later.

For those who were directly affected by the events of that day, whether as a result of being present at one of the locations involved, or having friends and family members injured or killed due to the actions of terrorists, the trauma is still very tangible.

If you fall into this category, but you have yet to seek support for your experiences, the good news is that there are plenty of places to receive it. Here is a look at the assistance that is available to 9/11 survivors, and how to access it.

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Compensation for victims can still be claimed

Financial support for those who were in the vicinity of the attacks is offered right now, and it is especially important to make a claim if you are on the 9/11 responders list, or if you happened to be in the exposure zone during the allotted period covered.

While a cash payout might not be able to heal all of the emotional and physical wounds that linger following the attacks, it will certainly help many of the victims to live their lives without certain financial burdens weighing them down.

Healthcare provisions are in place

If you are eligible, then the World Trade Center Health Program could also be a blessing, as it sets out to provide healthcare of all types to 9/11 survivors.

In addition to receiving medical support free of charge, you can also get mental health treatment, which is clearly useful for anyone who is still dealing with the emotional fallout.

In spite of the name, the WTC Health Program is not just open to those who were at Ground Zero when the attacks happened, but also to first responders and victims at the Pentagon and also Shanksville.

Scholarships are supporting the next generation

It is worth remembering that 9/11 didn’t just damage the lives and livelihoods of those who were there, but also had a knock-on detrimental impact to the lives of family members for years afterwards.

In recognition of this, the WTC Memorial Scholarship program was established to cover the costs of up to five years of college education for the children and spouses of anyone who was killed or severely disabled by the events of September 11.

As you might expect, this primarily applies within New York State, so applicants will need to study at institutions within this region if they want to claim the full support.

Support groups connect survivors

One of the best ways to process the trauma of major tragedies is to share your experiences with those who have also been directly affected.

Thankfully there are many services set up specifically to offer this opportunity to survivors of 9/11, with local groups as well as state-wide and also national organizations operating with similar goals in mind.

Voices of September 11th is one of the main proponents of this, helping victims and their families to get the help they need. There are also other non-profits with more focused aims, such as Tuesday’s Children which specializes in mental health support, and the Feal Good Foundation which caters to first responders and the health complications they face.

As you can see, there are a whole cavalcade of support solutions for 9/11 survivors which are waiting with open arms to assist you. All it takes is a willingness to reach out and receive the help that they offer, and the healing can begin.