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3 Ways How to Find Out How Many People You Have on Snapchat – And Check Out Your Popularity!


Snapchat – it’s just so much fun and it’s become a really important way to communicate with your friends.  Who doesn’t love the fast-pace, disappearing messages and images?  You can pretty much say what you want and there’s nothing to prove that you did or didn’t say it. So, it gives you a much bigger opportunity to say what you think, to put something out there and see what the reaction is and to know that it’s going to disappear – never to be seen again (unless you repost it).  That’s all good – but do you know how to find out how many people you have on Snapchat?  Read on for more!

Discover Just How Popular You Are on Snapchat!

Like any social media platform, finding out how many people you have on Snapchat is important to you right?  You want to know that you’re popular, that you’re getting more friends following you and that people like to see what you’re posting.  But how do you find out how many people you have on Snapchat?

We’re here to help you!  Keep on reading this article to find the different ways you can find out how many friends you have on Snapchat.

So let’s get on with it!

What is Snapchat?

Before we go onto the options, let’s do a quick recap on what Snapchat’s all about.  It’s another social media platform and it’s all about snapped chats – short, random conversation, sharing creative and fun images and building up your streaks!  Streaks are what you send to your friends – you need to streak every day to gain credibility!

Who’s it for?  Younger people, those around the ages of 15 to 25 mainly although some older people do use it.

Find Out How Many Friends You Have on Snapchat….

  1. Option One – Find Out How to Find Out How Many People You Have on Snapchat Using The Map Method.

This is one of the easiest ways to know how to find out how many people you have on Snapchat. It’s also fun to use the Snapchat Maps, orSnapMaps as it’s known as amongst you Snap chatters!

The Maps feature allows you to see all of your friends’ snaps from wherever they are in the world, depending on where they’re located on the SnapMaps.  You can allow people to see your location (or you could choose to disable it if you prefer).  To find out your friend number on Snapchat, just find out how many you have on your Map – here are the steps to follow, start by logging into Snapchat.

  • Open your Snapchat account
  • Click on your profile page.
  • Now, go to MAPS and then select the Settings prompt. Navigate to the prompt “Only These Friends”
  • Click on “Select All”.
  • Then, move to “Save”.
  • Then you need to go back to your Snapchat MAPS page.
  • Find and click your Bitmoji.
  • Then, open up your Snapchat profile.
  • Scroll down and find “Sharing Location to X Friends.”
  • You’ll get a number and that’s how many people you have on Snapchat!

Have you tried it?  Know how to find out how many people you have on Snapchat now?  It’s really easy isn’t it!  If you want to hear about another method to find out how many people you have on Snapchat, read on.

  1. Option 2, Using the My Friends Section to find out how many friends you have on Snapchat.

This is another great option you could use to discover your friend count on Snapchat, follow the steps below:

  • Open your Snapchat account.
  • Log in and click on your profile.
  • Move down to the “Friends” area.
  • Now, click on the “My Friends” prompt.
  • You’ll see your Snapchat mats in a list format.
  • You’ll need to manually count them as there isn’t a final number (a bit annoying – we agree!).

Can’t be bothered to count up your friends?  Don’t like SnapMaps?  We’ve still got another option for you to try!

  1. Option 3, Using a Story to find out your following on Snapchat.

OK, this is a bit tedious too and it doesn’t give you a 100% accurate figure, so you’ll only get an approximate number of people you have on your Snapchat.  Here’s how to find out how many people you have on Snapchat.

  • Login to your Snapchat account.
  • Create a story and post it on your Snapchat.
  • Change the visibility settings so it’s only visible to your Snapchat friends.
  • Then you have to wait – 24 hours!
  • 24 hours passed? Great, now check on the number of people who looked at your story.
  • That gives you an approximate number of followers you have on Snapchat.

Your Friend Following on Snapchat – Final Words

With three brilliant methods now you know how to find out how many people you have on Snapchat, you’re bound to work it out and see just how popular you are.  Not feeling popular enough?  Here’s a good piece to help you learn how to get more friends on Snapchat: https://www.smartrapper.com/get-snapchat-friends/.As for our methods, try them all to see which works best for you – we love the story method the best because it also encourages lots of interaction with your profile.